Tag: Peace

Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – July 21, 2024

Sowing Seeds Of Division, Lawfare Dress-downs, I Am Supposed To Be Dead, FBI Stumped, Making A Killing, Peace And Settlement, War Silos, Trump Technopaths, The Big Club, Anti-cancer Anti-aging, Cyberian Glitch Chaos Lessons, Evil Confessions, Rlog, BTWRLM586, Trump, Classified, Documents, Dismissed, Rep. Massie, Garland, Special Counsel, Jack Smith, Appointment, Unconstitutional, Matt Gaetz, Lawfare, Bulter , Pennsylvania, Assassination, Attempt, Killing Field, Biden, Melania, Speaks, Out, Shooter, Motive, Warp Speed, Killer, BlackRock, Stocks, Shorted, Ontario, COVID, Nasal Swabs, Unlawful, Tennessee, Wildlife, Agency, Historic, Warrantless, Searches, Peace, Orban, Plan, Ukraine, Conflict, Minuteman, ICBM, Sentinel, Delays, JD Vance, Vice President, Republican, Candidate, AIPAC, Israel Lobby, Zionist, Globalist, Peter Thiel, Business, Partner, Palantir, Technopaths, Manhattan Project, AI, Elon Musk, Fallout, First, US, Nuclear Test, Reached, Canada, Putin, Widespread, Adoption, Digital, Ruble, Vanishing Act, China, 40, Banks, Absorbed, Economy, Teetering, Covid, Contracts, Von der Leyen, Corruption, Belarus, World’s, First, Patented, Lung, Cancer, Vaccine, Cuba, Russia, Anti-aging, Cyber, Glitch, Chaos, Worldwide, CrowdStrike, Russiagate, Russia, Unaffected, Israel, Occupier, West Bank, In Providence We Trust

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – July 21, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – July 14, 2024

Perception Of Legitimacy, Fungus Among Us, Organoid Smarts, Trespassing The J-6, sElection Fairness, Surveillance Fascism, Sustainable Capitulism, Judicial Unintegrity, EU: Extortion Union, Open Season On Peace, Cannibal Directive, Rlog, BTWRLM585, Dark Fungi, Out of Sight, Robot, Human Brain, Organoid, Uses, Arms, AI-Powered, Vending, Machines, Bullets, Ammo, Biometrics, Face, Scan, Grocery Stores, Alabama, Supreme Court, Downgrade, Insurrection, Trespassing, Inhumane, Imprisonment, Voting Rights Act, Section 2, Confidence, Hillary Clinton, 2016 Campaign, Super PAC, Violated, Federal, Election, Rules, FedEx, Secretive, Police Force, Helping, Cops, AI, Car, Surveillance, Network, AfD, Goals, Against Democracy, Bavarian Court, Regime, Prohibits, Members, Owning, Guns, German, People, Extremists, six-day, Work, Week, Greece, Meet, Skids, Russia, India, West, Hypocrisy, Climate, Agenda, Promo, IMF, Eco Levy, Excise Duty, Kenya, Riots, zero, Tolerance, Protests, JPMorgan, Chase, Bank of America, Mega Banks, Conspiracy, Trillion-Dollar, Derivatives, Market, Australian, Judge, Dismissed, COVID, Vaccine, Lawsuit, Paid, By, Pfizer, EU, Lufthansa, Environmental, Charge, Spain, Porn, Passports, Open Season, Peace, Hungary, Orban, War, Horizon, NATO, Expansion, Credibility, Lost, US, Journalist, Hinkle, Zero, Free Speech, Luxembourg, Security, Deal, Ukraine, Protracted, Wars, Pentagon, Israel, Destroyed, All, Gaza, Hospitals, US Support, Approval, Hannibal Directive, Implemented, Haaretz, Cannibal Directive, Killing, Civilians, Counting, Dead, Gaza, Difficult, Essential

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – July 14, 2024
Posted in Environment Freedom Liberty News Podcast Archives Podcasts Redneck Dentist RLM News Science & Technology

Redneck Dentist Podcast Blog – 2021-06-01 – Episode 15 – Black Tank, Internet Police, Peace and Tranquility

Black Water RV sewage issue

Peace and Tranquility – Birds of Ravenwood

Gates and Soros

According to reports, numerous key personalities from media, business and government are also on board with the project, which aims to stop all questioning of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines,” fraudulent elections, and other potential show-stoppers to the globalist agenda.

The Aspen Institute Commission on Information (AICI) has been tasked with launching an effort to eliminate “misinformation” and “disinformation” from the internet, and none other than billionaire eugenicists Bill Gates and George Soros are funding the operation.

Continue Reading Redneck Dentist Podcast Blog – 2021-06-01 – Episode 15 – Black Tank, Internet Police, Peace and Tranquility
Posted in Environment Freedom It's All Connected Liberty News Podcast Archives Podcasts RLM News Science & Technology

It’s All Connected Podcast Blog – 2021-01-04 – Deceive, Inveigle, Obfuscate.

Cirkel and I discussed and connected a variety of topics:

  • Deceive, Inveigle, Obfuscate.
    • Deceive – To Cause To Believe What Is Not True; Mislead.
    • Inveigle – To Win Over By Coaxing, Flattery, Or Artful Talk.
    • Obfuscate – To Make So Confused Or Opaque As To Be Difficult To Perceive Or Understand.
  • Nothing In The Commercial World Is What It Seems.
  • Climate Activism Is An Enabler For Pollution.
  • Peace Talks Are Enablers For War.
  • Free Usually Comes At Highest Price.
  • Justice Is Smokescreen For Control.

It was a lively and meandering conversation that I think you will enjoy listening to.

Continue Reading It’s All Connected Podcast Blog – 2021-01-04 – Deceive, Inveigle, Obfuscate.