It’s All Connected Podcast Blog – 2021-01-04 – Deceive, Inveigle, Obfuscate.

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It’s All Connected
Podcast Blog

Deceive, Inveigle, Obfuscate.

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It’s All Connected – Episode 24

Show Discussion:

Cirkel and I discussed and connected a variety of topics:

  • Deceive, Inveigle, Obfuscate.
    • Deceive – To Cause To Believe What Is Not True; Mislead.
    • Inveigle – To Win Over By Coaxing, Flattery, Or Artful Talk.
    • Obfuscate – To Make So Confused Or Opaque As To Be Difficult To Perceive Or Understand.
  • Nothing In The Commercial World Is What It Seems.
  • Climate Activism Is An Enabler For Pollution.
  • Peace Talks Are Enablers For War.
  • Free Usually Comes At Highest Price.
  • Justice Is Smokescreen For Control.

It was a lively and meandering conversation that I think you will enjoy listening to.

Thank You for tuning in and/or listening to the podcast.

The universe is a crazy place. Let’s see if we can explore it together.

Anyway, just listen to podcast and enjoy.

Thanks Everyone!


#Grimnir, #Cirkel, #Denmark, #AllConnected, #RealLibertyMedia, #RLMRadio, #Deceive, #Inveigle, #Obfuscate, #Mislead, #Coaxing, #Confused, #Perceive, #Commercial, #Climate, #Activism, #Enabler, #Pollution, #Peace, #Talks, #War, #Free, #Price, #Justice, #Smokescreen, #Control

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I am the founder of Real Liberty Media. I believe in absolute freedom for all people.

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