Tag: Politicians

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Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Jan 14, 2024

Boiling Frogs Theater, Guinea Pigs Я US, Guinea Pigs Я US, Total FailUreS, Whiplash, Swat, Swarm, Mammoth Implications, Wars And Rumors, Over Valuation, Long-suffering Brits, Haters Gonna Hate, Rlog, BTWRLM559, Triple-Threat, Pandemic, Nitrogen, Execution, Boiling Frog, 34 Trillion, National Debt, Arms Supplies, Israel, Violate, US Laws, Hunter Biden, Playing Games, Mace, Seizure, Russian Assets, US Government, Funding, Total, Failure, SEC, Hack, Bitcoin, Whiplash, Swatted, Swarmed, Herring, Deaths, Virgilio Aguilar Mendez, Teen, Immigrant, Language, Incompetent,St. Johns, Officer, Death, Habitable, Planets, Technique, Earthquake, Roosevelt Island, Mystery, Explosions, Mammoth, Tusk, North Dakota, Mine, Hamas, Leader, Killed, Beirut Blast, Gaza, War, Ecuador, TV, Crew, Hostage, Camera, Rolls, Swedes, Prepare For War, Ukraine, Politicians, Fight, Adani, Conglomerate, Over, Valuation, Trump, Global, Method, Pro-Western, Journalism, EU, Pressure, Prioritize, Brits High Court Graham Philips, Parliament, Sanctions, Defamation, Homeless, Surge, Rural, England, UK, Breweries, Bust, Face Recognition, 50m, Driving License, Holders, T-Mobile, Fines, Hate Speech, ADL, Hate Group, Defamation League, BanTheADL, Xtwitter

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Posted in Environment Freedom Liberty News Podcast Archives Podcasts Redneck Dentist RLM News Science & Technology

Redneck Dentist Podcast Blog – 2021-06-26 – Episode 19 – Well, Well – Hike, Water Preparedness, Opioid Addictions

Hiking trip last week, awesome weekend with my step daughter
caught fish, hiked, beautiful stars

Well pump failure, and failure to prepare, somewhat.
I really felt for the guys who came out to see what they could do in the heat of the day.

Global warming – all the delicious foods I am dying to grow.

White guy dead, no big deal

Politicians continue killing black people (mostly democrat controlled cities)

Oregon removed state rep Mike Nearman, banned him from the capitol for allowing 4 citizens in when it was locked down.

Nancy calling for an independent (sure) investigation into the US capital whatever.

Condo collapse and Florida’s future – built on coral isn’t it?

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Redneck Dentist Podcast Blog – 2021-03-27 – Episode 05 – Mass Shooting, Myanmar, Liars And More


Are you believing any of this variant stuff. I am not. No sooner is there a report of a new variant than some state comes out, (Texas) and says the variant has been found in 27 of 29 waste water processing plants in the (I don’t know, state, county?) Is that even possible? I mean it took so long to identify the Covid and I still don’t think they have isolated it correctly enough to say they have isolate it, and we are to believe that now they instantaneously ID a variant and then can somehow text for it in shit water all across the country the next day or week. I don’t think so. I am sure someone will try to convince my by some government report that this is happening, but I am telling you it is NOT. It is virtually impossible, and it is time we start calling a zebra a zebra.

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The Freeker’s Ball Podcast Blog – 2020-01-31 – #ZeroHedge #Twitter #Coronavirus #FaceMasks #BeaverPenises

Some of the stuff we talked about:
° Minnesota Will Pay Homeowners to Replace Lawns with Bee-Friendly Wildflowers, Clover and Native Grasses
° ZeroHedge Suspended On Twitter
° Wisconsin Father’s Wife And Young Daughters Trapped In Wuhan
° CNN Is Angry That Too Many White People Are Trying To Stop The Coronavirus Spreading
° Are Virginia Politicians Really So Fragile They’d Pass A Bill Making It Illegal To Criticize Them?
° Can’t Make This Up… New York State Is Now Mandating “Stargazing Permits” For Looking At The Sky
° Coronavirus Polling Higher Than All Presidential Candidates
° A Grapefruit A Day Keeps The Coronavirus Away! Desperate Chinese Resort To Using FRUIT As Face Masks
° Burger King Says It Never Promised Impossible Whoppers Were Vegan
° Chinese Authorities Seize 12 Tons Of Beaver Penises Smuggled From Canada
° Trump’s Border Wall Blew Over In The Wind — And Landed On The Mexican Side
° The Safest Place To Sit On A Plane To Avoid Catching Coronavirus Is Next To The Window

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Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – September 29, 2019.

BTWRLM338, The Same People Whom, Glyphosate Latte, Killing Care, Rush To Lie To You, Exploiting Your Weakness, Protecting Not You, Countering State Secrets, Civil Rights For What?, Needless Emoting, MonSatan, Roundup, Nestle, Not Cool Beans, Killing Welfare Checks, Polio Vaccination, Prozac, Mass Shooting, Highest-Paid Bureaucrat Lied, Politicians, Hospitals Kidnap You, FBI Subpoenas, Personal Data, Gutted Whistleblower Requirement, Badge-wearing Gang Members, Russian Dolls, ISIS Run By NATO, State Secrets Privilege, Victim Had No Rights, Tactical Doctors, Paramedics, Firefighters, Epstein, Florida, Report Reveals DMVs, Selling Your Personal Info, Northern New Mexico Fear, Firewood, Rlog

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – September 29, 2019.