RLM News – July 20th, 2011

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Gold, Silver surge, Why the Dollar Loses Value, Housing bottom far from being reached, Peter Schiff calls for $200 Silver, Ontario Cradle to Grave Ad, Countrywide to pay $108 Million, TSA says they will end naked body scans, Riot Police are thugs because they need to take a piss, Walter Reed to close, Home Sales declined further in June

The Video recording of the show is at the bottom of the post.

These are the links from the information shared on the Real Liberty Media News on
Channel 1 – July 20th, 2011.

Alice Cooper – Freedom  (music video)

Gold, Silver Surge After John Taylor Predicts Gold To Hit $1,900 By October

Why the U.S. Dollar Constantly Loses Value

Has Housing Bottomed? Here’s How To Tell

Peter Schiff: Silver to Trade Over $200

Cradle to Grave: We’re at your Service Ontario.

450,000 to Get Payments in Countrywide Settlement

New US software to end ‘naked’ airport scans

Riot police demand toilet breaks every 45 MINUTES ‘to stop them from wetting themselves’


Video streaming by Ustream

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