RLM News – November 30th, 2011

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Today the Federal Reserve and European Central Banksters made
a bunch seemingly bizarre  moves which, in the very short
term, may have the desired effect. I see it in a different way, like
when your car is just about out of gas, running on fumes, right before
the engine dies, you get a few seconds of very high revs, then it’s
over. This will not come out well for anyone suckered in to the stock
market buying spurt today, unless they sell before the close. 

Meanwhile, in Iran, various European governments are either
closing their embassies or pulling out some of their ambassadors. In
the U.K. the British government is ousting the Iranian diplomats from
their embassy there. Several explosions have been heard or seen in
Iran, although, no news about these seems to be coming out. There is a
war being waged on Iran at this time, which has yet to be formally
announced. The U.S. government seemingly has no voice in Israeli
governmental affairs any longer, but I think this is also a ruse
designed for deception. 

Please take same time and follow the link to the Lysander
Spooner document I linked below and read his definition on what law is.
On that site are many of his writings which I think will benefit you.
Bookmark the site and check out more of his writings if you like, when
you have the time.

Thank You

The Video
recording of the show
is at the bottom of the post.

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These are
the links from the information shared on the
Real Liberty Media
News on Channel 1 – November 30th, 2011.

Paul 2012 – Who Can You Trust? – Video

Iran to become diplomatic outcast?

Ups for Ron Paul” 2012 Calendar Girls!


Paul Interview With CNBC On Today’s World Wide Quantitative Easing
Paul 2012 – Who Can You Trust?

Fed Cancels POMO Due To “System Difficulties”
Market Snapshot: European Close
Iran to become diplomatic outcast?
Iran threatens 150,000 missile response to
Israeli Jerichos

British embassy attack in Iran
Featured Story: WAR with IRAN? It’s closer than you think….
Historical Study Information: The coup in Iran, 1953
A Three-Step Plan to Save the Euro with Gold
Economy is So Good People are Living in Cars

TSA Whistleblower: Feds Covered-Up Sexual

Senator Pushes For “Flag” Button to Report
“Terrorist” Blogger Content

To the Rescue: Central Banks Slam Liquidity
Into Banks; Stocks Take Moon Shot; Europe Still Faces Collapse

Spooner: What is Law?

Links Not Covered during Live Broadcast

Iran threatens 150,000 missile response to Israeli Jerichos

A Three-Step Plan to Save the Euro with Gold

Bank of America shares slide again, down 62%
this year

Ginger White: Herman Cain ‘would be a bad

Foreclosure fraud whistleblower found dead
Lew Rockwell Show: 237. Prepare for an
Economic 9/11 and Economic Martial Law

Senate rejects effort to ease terrorist
detainee policy in defense bill

New Study Says Legalizing Medical Marijuana
Reduces Alcohol Consumption And Traffic Deaths

Ron Paul Statement On The Fed’s Bailout Of

Ron Paul’s Reaction to the Central Bank
Moves (Video)

For The First Time In History, Fed Will Buy
AND Sell Treasurys At The Same Time On Friday


Show Recording

Video streaming by Ustream


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I am the founder of Real Liberty Media. I believe in absolute freedom for all people.

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