RLM News – January 11th, 2012

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Ron Paul To Everyone But Mitt: Drop OutIn last
night’s New Hampshire
Primary, Ron Paul took what is being called a ‘strong second’ place at
around 24% of the total vote. In what is now clearly a 2 man race, the
Ron Paul campaign is calling for everyone else to drop out
or face another 4 years of Obama. There is no real difference between
Obama and Romney. The rest of the GOP, except Ron Paul, wants to
maintain big, intrusive government and endless wars. I doubt that the
rest will listen, but wouldn’t it be cool if they did.

I covered 2 stories at the top of the show today about how you can help
your local town break free from the stranglehold of external government
control. These are great ideas and I think that getting more towns on
board with what they did in Maine is a huge step. Whether you live in
Carlsbad, Calif, Moriarty, NM or Buda, TX (or any other town) passing
local laws which make the federal and state laws illegal in your town
could take off like wildfire. If Ron Paul doesn’t get elected, this is
a way you can at least break the stranglehold of big government in your
area. The 2nd story is about doing business with locally owned
businesses in order to keep the money and resources in your area.
Again, this is a great idea. Break away from the international chain
stores and support your local merchants.

The Video
recording of the show
is at the bottom of the post.

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the links from the information shared on the
Real Liberty Media
News on Channel 1 – January 11th, 2012

Ron Paul, “What if the Chinese had military
bases in America?” – Video

“Food Sovereignty” law passed in small Maine town
to allow sale of locally produced food without interference of

Shop the Local Merchant Economy

Ron Paul To Everyone But Mitt: Drop Out

Holds Drill Simulation For Regime Change in North Korea A Week Before
Kim John-il’s Death

World’s Biggest Zombies (Daily Reckoning)
Death of Iranian Nuclear Scientist Points to
“Covert” War

Good News for Ron Paul: Florida May Allow
Proportional Delegates

Paul, “What if the Chinese had military bases in America?”

Romney win provokes desperation play
Greece Spends Bailout Money on Weapons!
Can Ron Paul win South Carolina?
Ron Paul Has Testy Exchange on MSNBC: You‘re
’Putting Words in My Mouth’

Leon Panetta admits Iran is not developing a
nuclear weapon

Ron Paul Finishes Second in NH, Says ‘I
Didn’t Know You Were Out There’

Yes, Jon Huntsman was a member of the
Council on Foreign Relations

Holds Drill Simulation For Regime Change in North Korea A Week Before
Kim John-il’s Death
Pentagon Holds Drill Simulation For Regime Change in North Korea A Week Before Kim John-il’s Death

Links Not Covered during Live BroadcastDoomsday Clock edges toward midnight: Hello? Anyone listening?

Doomsday Clock edges toward midnight: Hello?
Anyone listening?

Ben Chu: It was lobbyists’ influence that
fostered this crisis

GOP Rep. claims Congress not in recess, vows
post-recess action

Hostess Files for Bankruptcy
From Boardwalk to Barrio, Los Angeles Cracks

Sen. DeMint urges Republicans to listen to
Ron Paul

Many in U.S. Are Arrested by Age 23, Study

Smoking pot doesn’t hurt lung capacity,
study shows

Paul Celebrates Historic Second
Win in New Hampshire Primary

WordPress comes out against SOPA/PIPA

Dead People Receive Ballots in NH


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