RLM News – January 9th, 2012

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FBI warning about Banking trojan "Gameover"New week, new lies
and propaganda from the CLAP. I don’t really have much to add to what I
said on the show today, so I will make this brief and hope you watch
the show recording if you didnt see it live. The dollar is failing, the
war machine is in full gear and you are the enemy of your government
(regardless of where you live), unless you are part of that government.

If you somehow still believe anything that comes from the government,
from any part of the government, you are allowing yourself to be used
as one of their pawns. Always question what you hear, regardless of the
source and see if it actually makes sense. Thats all for today,

Thank You

The Video
recording of the show
is at the bottom of the post.

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the links from the information shared on the
Real Liberty Media
News on Channel 1 – January 9th, 2012

Ron Paul – War Propaganda – Video

Ron Paul’s Texas
Straight Talk 1/9/12: No More Playing Fast and Loose with the

Press Blames Ron Paul For Media Swarm They Created

Brazilian loggers ‘tied eight-year-old
Amazonian tribe girl to a tree and burned her alive’

Martin Armstrong: Investments Are No Longer Safe in
ANY N.Y. Bank

Ron Paul Responds to a 9/11 First Responder

Netflix shares up 8% on fund manager comments
Will Diebold Voting Machines Cheat Ron Paul
Out Of 2nd Place In New Hampshire?

Netherlands to close prisons for lack of

prisons empty, lawmakers want more convicts in jail

Iran makes ‘US spies’ arrests, gives few

Paul – War Propaganda

Special report: Romney’s steel skeleton in
the Bain closet

Chargers say no move to L.A. in 2012
A Victory for Property Rights in California

Ron Paul Responds
to a 9/11 First Responder
Ron Paul Responds to a 9/11 First Responder

Links Not Covered during Live BroadcastWill Diebold Voting Machines Cheat Ron Paul Out Of 2nd Place In New Hampshire?

FCC’s Genachowski proposes broadband reform
2012: Evidence Suggests Defeat for the New
World Order

Vote for Ron Paul – not Mayor McCheese or
the Hamburglers…

Ron Paul Narrows Deficit With Romney In New

You’ve Heard the War Party. Now Hear

Ron Paul is the ONLY Candidate Opposed to

Iran, Russia Replace Dollar With Rial, Ruble
in Trade, Fars Says

Ron Paul Raises $13 Million, Has Long-Term

Could Election 2012 Be Going Any Worse for
the Tea Party?

Obama labels Tea Party
“EXTREMIST” four days after signing NDAA – Is America finished?


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