RLM News Show Blog – November 29, 2012

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These are the links to the stories covered on the RLM News Show – 2012-11-29

The Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction – “Owning the Weather”
The Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction – “Owning the Weather”

German police culpable in attack on Iran Embassy

Iran’s ambassador to Germany has criticized the German police for inaction over the recent attack on Iran Embassy in Berlin, saying the police is to blame for its negligence,Press TV reports. In an exclusive interview on Thursday, Alireza Sheikh-Attar pointed to previous alarming calls to the Iranian diplomats in Berlin which warned them of a potential attack against the embassy. Following the warnings, the Iranian Embassy contacted the German police three times on Wednesday morning, but the police assured them that they have everything under control, Sheikh-Attar said. “But it (the attack) happened at two o’clock. They (German police) were not present here and they came only after 11 minutes,” he added.

Links to other Important Stories I didn’t have time to cover on the show

James Holmes Told Me He Was ‘Programmed’ To Kill by “Evil” Therapist
James Holmes Told Me He Was ‘Programmed’ To Kill by “Evil” Therapist

Days numbered for Palestine Authority

An analyst says that Zionist and imperial agencies fear a UN approval for Palestine to have an independent voice at international institutions like the ICC. In the background of this, more than half of EU members including France and Spain are expected to vote in favor of the Palestinians in their UN bid for greater recognition and the ability to access international agencies such as the International Criminal Court. Zionist imperial states like Israel, the UK and the United States are expected to vote against the bid; the US though has no power to veto the decision at the UN General Assembly. Australia has announced that it will abstain from the vote and is presently receiving a backlash of pressure from pro-Israeli groups in that country. Press TV has interviewed Mr. Ralph Schoenman, political commentator from Berkeley about this issue.

The Fiscal Cliff

Basic overview of the parameters of the budgetary negotiations (which are apparently trying to avoid the fiscal cliff)

Right to Remain Silent; Duty to Speak Out: A Documentary on the Peaceful Streets Project

A film by Matt Wood. A new documentary in the making detailing the Peaceful Street Project’s actions, their effects on the community, the Austin Police Department’s and City Council’s reactions. As well as investigating the accusations against the police department, as well as the connection between the Austin Police Association and city council.

Because you have a right to remain silent, but a duty to speak out.


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