RLM News Show Blog – December 17, 2012

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These are the links to the stories covered on the RLM News Show – 2012-12-17

Chart of the Day: Fiscal Cliff in Perspective
Chart of the Day: Fiscal Cliff in Perspective

Innocents Betrayed ~ The History of Gun Control

Learning to ‘Live Free’ comes from experience and personal growth … Lets break our conditioning!

Links to other Important Stories I didn’t have time to cover on the show

U.S. Gov't Asks Federal Judge to Dismiss Cases of Americans Killed by Drones
U.S. Gov’t Asks Federal Judge to Dismiss Cases of Americans Killed by Drones

Shooter’s “Prepper” Mom Blamed for Massacre

Preppers now under attack by mainstream media after it was reported that Sandy Hook shooter’s mom was a “prepper” concerned about the collapse of America.

Latest Iran-IAEA talks were positive: Iranian Foreign Minister

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has run out of excuses for avoiding the mandate to normalize the Iranian nuclear energy program, a political scientist tells Press TV. This comes as Tehran has repeatedly called on the IAEA not to be influenced by the US and its allies, warning that the body would undermine its credibility by publishing unfounded prejudiced reports about Iran’s nuclear energy work. Press TV has conducted an interview with Kaveh Afrasiabi, an author and political scientist from Boston, to further discuss the issue.

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I am the founder of Real Liberty Media. I believe in absolute freedom for all people.

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