RLM News Show Blog and Podcast – June 25, 2013

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It might just be my imagination, but it seems to me that the overall level or weirdness, odd happenings and general craziness, is increasing rapidly over recent times. I like weirdness, it makes life more interesting and grabs my attention. I also like watching a wide variety of news sources to see trends. From what I am seeing, the current trend is towards way more weirdness going on in all parts of the world.

I report on stories here every day about the big things happening that have large effects on all or part of the world. Much of the time I don’t get to discuss the more esoteric items I find and thats ok as I still read them for my own entertainment and education. It is just that now it seems the weirdness volume knob has been cranked up to 11.

If you have come to this blog from a search engine or other link referral and haven’t heard the show before, take some time and listen to the podcast from this show and if you like it, check out the blog posts and podcasts from previous shows and share it with others you think may benefit from the content found here.

The RLM News Show is broadcast live each weekday at 1:00 PM Eastern. We have a chatroom with a lots of fun discussion before, during and after the show. You can find the chatroom on the Home page of this website or use the “Pop-Up Chat” link on the top of the sidebar.

Thanks, Grimnir

These are the links to the stories covered on the RLM News Show – June 25, 2013

Deaths connected to the Obama White House
Deaths connected to the Obama White House

Please Click Here and Favorite the
Real Liberty Media page on WorldTruth.org

Glenn Greenwald: “Dianne Feinstein is Outright Lying” about NSA Surveillance Abuses

Watch the full interview with Guardian columnist Glenn Greenwald on Democracy Now! at http://owl.li/mkCnI. Greenwald, who broke the NSA surveillance stories, talks about the mystery around Edward Snowden and the Obama administration’s decision to charge Snowden with espionage.

Links to other Important Stories I didn’t have time to cover on the show

False-Flag Terrorism,  Fourth of July
False-Flag Terrorism, Fourth of July

The American Red Double Cross

DR. LEN HOROWITZ – The American Red Cross (ARC) is widely considered a great American institution. It is generally thought of as among the world’s premier humanitarian organizations. Clearly, there’s a darker side to this Rockefeller – directed enterprise that few realize.

Blooded the Brave – BANKSTERS

Dedicated to the un-elected, self appointed rulers of this world who are creating havoc through their control & manipulation of “Fiat” currency.

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I am the founder of Real Liberty Media. I believe in absolute freedom for all people.

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