Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – August 25, 2013.

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Here are the Links from this broadcast:

At the Situationally Aware Action Oriented Intelligence Center Of  Evolutionary Engagement

Open you a can

Knowledge Is Not Power Until Acted Upon

You Only Have The Rights You Assert

Corruption in Vaccine Promotion

Is It A False Flag When You Know The Set-up Is Coming?

Poopaganda Machine Winds Up Without Evidence To Fuel It

Not Sot Fast!

As US Moves Troops In

Does Syria Have Absolutely No Reason To Chemically Attack It’s Own People?
Law of Necessity Self-defensive Counter False Flag?

Was The “Arab Spring” a Psy-ops Whose Time Has Come

Behind The Woodshed for that practical education & hard but necessary dose of reality.

Spread The Word Behind The Woodshed.



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Behind The Woodshed for that practical education & hard but necessary dose of reality. B.Y.O.B. : Bring Your Own Brain. Spread The Word.(^_^)

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