RLM News Show Podcast Blog – April 21, 2014

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These are the links to the stories covered on the RLM News Show
April 21, 2014

‘Easter truce’ broken: Five deaths reported in overnight checkpoint raid in E. Ukraine

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Cold War 2.0 and the Threat of Nuclear Warfare – GRTV Backgrounder

Published on Apr 20, 2014

The rhetoric that has been spewed in recent years about nuclear disarmament is, of course, was always just that: rhetoric. The US government has never seriously considered giving up its nuclear stockpile, or even renouncing a first-use nuclear doctrine.

As Dr. Yuki Tanaka of Hiroshima University explains, the Obama administration has not simply continued the aggressive Bush-era stance on America’s nuclear arsenal, but actually extended it.

In reality, the Obama administration has simply reaffirmed and even extended the existing US nuclear policy allowing for a first-strike, offensive nuclear war against its enemies.

Find out more about the nuclear threat in the new cold war in this week’s GRTV Backgrounder

Links to other Important Stories I didn’t have time to cover on the show

Measles Witch Hunt: Anti-Vax Parents Burned at the Propaganda Stake

Ranchers Under 24-Hour Surveillance…for What??

Uploaded on Mar 24, 2014

Rancher John Ladd used to cooperate with the Border Patrol, but he and other ranchers are fed up with Border Patrol agents patrolling their land at will, cutting through fences, and even running over valuable cattle.

Dog Calmly Playing With Kids After Cop Shoots Himself Trying To Kill it

Dog Calmly Playing With Kids After Cop Shoots Himself Trying To Kill it

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