Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – August 30, 2015.

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At the Situationally Aware Action Oriented Intelligence Center
Of Evolutionary Engagement

Open you a canThe Victory Against You in the Silent War is Your Silence


Passing The Baton


Lunar Timing

  • First of three consecutive ‘supermoons’ rises Saturday night  

    The moon will be full at precisely 2:35 p.m. Saturday, and when it rises this evening, it will be nearing its closest point to Earth in its elliptical orbit — technically making it a “supermoon.” On Sunday, the moon reaches lunar perigee, at just under 223,000 miles away from Earth. Full moons that coincide with lunar perigee have in recent years been commonly known as supermoons, though that is not a technical term in any astronomical sense.

    This month’s full moon is known as the Sturgeon Moon, the last full moon of summer. The Harvest Moon, a hallmark of fall’s arrival, comes Sept. 27.

    The Harvest Moon could be the most dramatic full moon of the year, bringing with it a lunar eclipse that can create what is known as a “Blood Moon.” The moon will be even closer to Earth at that time, at just more than 222,000 miles away and reaching perigee the next day, Sept. 28.

    One more supermoon follows Oct. 27, but it will be slightly more distant than the previous two.

  • Israeli, Jordanian Officers Killed among Al-Nusra Commanders in Syrian AirstrikeThe Syrian air force killed a large number of Takfiri militant commanders, including senior Israeli and Jordanian officers, in airstrikes on terrorists’ positions in the Southern province of Daraa, FARS news agency reported Saturday.At least 42 Al-Nusra Front Takfiri terrorist commanders, including 3 Israeli and Jordanian officers, were killed in the Syrian warplanes’ air raids in Daraa.

    Military sources said that the Syrian airstrikes on al-Nusra Front positions incurred heavy losses on the Takfiri terrorists.

    In similar operations on Friday, over 100 militants of al-Nusra Front were killed by the Syrian fighter jets in Daraa.

    The sources said that, over 100 terrorists, most of them from al-Nusra Front, were killed in a series of army airstrikes that targeted their gatherings in Dael town in the countryside of the southern Daraa city.

    On Thursday, the Syrian army troops killed 46 terrorists in military operations in Aleppo city.

    The terrorists were killed in al-Sayyed Ali area.

Enter Pope Farscis

  • Focus shifts to shared goals with Obama as papal visit nearsSweeping into office in 2009, President Barack Obama captured near rock-star status around the world among millions who saw him as the embodiment of a new sense of social purpose. Now, that baton has largely been passed to Pope Francis, whose visit to the White House next month will put his common cause with Obama on vivid display.
    Obama has made no secret of his affection for the outspoken pope, calling him a “transformative leader” whose influence has transcended the Roman Catholic community. The pope has embraced many of the issues Obama has sought to advance, including global warming, poverty and diplomacy with Iran and Cuba.
    Vice President Joe Biden, a Catholic, said the pope’s Sept. 23 visit will mark an important moment not only for Catholics but for all Americans.
    “Pope Francis has breathed new life into what I believe is the central mission of our faith: Catholic social doctrine,” Biden said in a statement to The Associated Press. Invoking key elements of Obama’s agenda, Biden added that Francis “has become a moral rudder for the world on some of the most important issues of our time, from inequality to climate change.”
    The pope’s brief visit to the White House is part of his highly anticipated trip to the U.S. and Cuba. It’s a reunion of sorts for Obama and Francis, who first met when the president visited the Vatican last year.

Gov L-UN-artics

  • Climate change expert sentenced to 32 months for fraud, says lying was a ‘rush’The EPA’s highest-paid employee and a leading expert on climate change was sentenced to 32 months in federal prison Wednesday for lying to his bosses and saying he was a CIA spy working in Pakistan so he could avoid doing his real job.

    John C. Beale’s crimes were “inexplicable” and “unbelievably egregious,” said Judge Ellen Huvelle in imposing the sentence in a Washington. D.C. federal court. Beale has also agreed to pay $1.3 million in restitution and forfeiture to the government.

    Beale said he was ashamed of his lies about working for the CIA, a ruse that, according to court records, began in 2000 and continued until early this year.

    “Why did I do this? Greed – simple greed – and I’m ashamed of that greed,” Beale told the court. He also said it was possible that he got a “rush” and a “sense of excitement” by telling people he was worked for the CIA. “It was something like an addiction,” he said.

  • Carbon-credit scheme linked to increased greenhouse-gas productionFactories in Russia increased their production of industrial waste products and then claimed millions of carbon credits for destroying them after an international trading scheme went into effect.

    Evidence published1 in Nature Climate Change reveals that several Russian chemical plants increased production of highly potent greenhouse-gas waste to “unprecedented levels” after they could reap financial benefits from their disposal.

    Carbon credits grant nations the right to emit gases that contribute to global warming. They are traded internationally on carbon markets such as the European Union’s Emissions Trading Scheme, and their monetary value is determined by how much buyers are willing to pay for them.

    Developed nations are able to earn carbon credits by investing in emissions-reduction projects under a scheme called Joint Implementation (JI), agreed under the 1997 Kyoto Protocol. For the potent greenhouse gases trifluoromethane (HFC-23) and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), the value of the credits obtained can exceed the cost of destroying these gases in the production process, creating a ‘perverse’ incentive to increase production so that credits can be claimed.

    “Because of the high global-warming potential [of these gases], you get thousands of credits for every tonne destroyed,” says paper co-author Lambert Schneider, an independent carbon-market specialist based in Berlin. “So these projects are particularly vulnerable to perverse incentives.”

  • Obama: Shooting ‘breaks my heart’President Obama said Wednesday the shooting death of two TV journalists “breaks my heart,” adding that U.S. gun deaths dwarf those related to terrorism
    “It breaks my heart every time you read or hear about these kinds of incidents,” Obama said in an interview with Philadelphia TV station WPVI.
    “What we know is that the number of people who die from gun-related incidents around this country dwarfs any deaths that happen through terrorism,” the president added.
    The shooting outside of Roanoke, Va., was the latest in a string of high-profile shootings that have cast a pall over Obama’s presidency.
  • Gov. Terry McAuliffe Admits Not Knowing How Gunman Acquired Firearm, Calls For More Gun ControlJust hours after a gunman shot and killed WDBJ-TV’s Allison Parker and Adam Ward just off camera during a live interview, Governor Terry McAuliffe admitted not knowing anything about how the gunman got his gun, yet the Governor stressed that more gun controls–specifically background checks–are needed.
    Speaking on Fox News while a police chase of the gunman was underway, McAuliffe called for background check legislation.
    McAuliffe said:
    Twice I have brought legislation before the general assembly. Twice I have asked that we have background checks. Twice now they have rejected background checks.” He said there are “individuals in this country who should not be allowed to own a firearm and it’s just tragic that this kind of legislation cannot be passed and signed into law.
    An unnamed reporter then asked, “Do you know that [the gunman] is not a permit holder? Do you know that he has a criminal background?”
    McAuliffe responded by saying, “I don’t. At this stage I don’t.”
    But McAuliffe does know that he wants more gun control and he told reporters he was shocked that Virginia General Assembly passed a bill allowing law-abiding citizens to carry loaded shotguns in their car for self-defense during the last legislation session. He stressed that he vetoed that bill and is “trying to bring common sense ideas” to the forefront.
  • USA Network postpones Mr Robot finale as it contains ‘a graphic scene similar in nature’ to the live on-air killings in VirginiaThe season one finale of USA Network’s Mr Robot will not be broadcast Wednesday night as scheduled because it contains a scene that has similarities to the on-air killings of a TV reporter and cameraman in Virginia.
    The network made the announcement shortly after the news broke about the fatal shooting of Alison Parker, 24, and Adam Ward, 27, during a live interview on the morning news on CBS affiliate WBDJ.
    ‘Out of respect to the victims, their families and colleagues, and our viewers, we are postponing tonight’s episode. Our thoughts go out to all those affected during this difficult time,’ USA said in a statement.

Military Execution

  • North Dakota just made it perfectly legal for cops to arm drones with weapons Just when you think you’ve seen the wildest story about drones (like that kid who strapped a handgun to one), something even crazier always seems to be just around the corner. Well today we’ve reached that corner, as a recent bill amendment in North Dakota officially legalized police use of armed drones anywhere within the state. This is no joke. Cops in North Dakota now have the legal ability to tase lawbreakers with unmanned aircrafts.

    The fact North Dakota’s new amended bill grants military-grade tech access to police officers is definitely a bit unnerving. If you can believe it, the originally proposed bill — drafted by Representative Rick Becker as HB 1328 — actually called for a complete ban on any weaponization of drones.

Public Private Partnership Plunder

  • Private Prisons Threaten To Sue States Unless They Get More Inmates For Free LaborFreedom is apparently bad for business. That’s the message from the private prison industry which is threatening to sue states if they don’t start locking more people up.

    The private prison companies, well-known for profiting off of incarceration and crime, is now saying that the state’s they have contracted with aren’t keeping up their end of the bargain. The private prisons rely on a certain number of inmates for free and virtually-free slave labor.

    That labor is used for a variety of trades, including making uniforms for popular restaurants like McDonalds and Applebee’s. But if the private prisons don’t have enough inmates locked up then production goes down correlative with the decrease in free labor (i.e. slavery).

    It comes as a surprise to many Americans, but slavery was never actually abolished in the United States. That’s not a metaphor, it’s a matter of careful reading of the 13th amendment to the Constitution. That amendment – often lauded for abolishing slavery – actually makes an exception for prisons. Slavery is still completely legal as “punishment for a crime.”

    USA Today explains the following:

    Ratified at the end of the Civil War, the amendment abolished slavery, with one critical exception: Slavery and involuntary servitude actually remain lawful “as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted.” In other words, according to this so-called punishment clause, if you get pulled over with the wrong controlled substance in your trunk, there’s nothing in the 13th Amendment to ensure you can’t be considered a slave of the state.

    The punishment clause was taken directly from the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 and reflected the belief of the time that hard work was essential to prisoners’ moral rehabilitation. But the language was also ambiguous enough to be grossly abused. Soon, the clause was being used to reinstitute slavery under another guise.

    Consider that there are more African Americans behind bars today than there were enslaved at any given time in American history and it becomes clear how corporations got their “work around” to keep slavery 100% legal. This is nothing new. This is the way it has been since slavery was supposedly abolished.

Public Execution

  • Breaking: Texas Sheriff’s Deputy Assassinated While Pumping Gas   A Harris County, Texas Sheriff’s Deputy was shot and killed while pumping gas Friday evening according to a report by KHOU-TV.
  • Kansas: Jury Revolts Against Stupidity of Marijuana Laws, “They felt marijuana should be legalized.”  

    Jacob Sullum shares this incredible story from a defense attorney in Kansas:

    I had a jury trial this morning on level 3 possession with intent MJ, level 4 possession drug paraphernalia and level 10 no drug tax stamp. During voir dire, my almost all white, middle-class, middle-aged jury went into full rebellion against the prosecutor stating that they wouldn’t convict even if the client’s guilt was proven beyond a reasonable doubt — almost all of them! They felt marijuana should be legalized, what he does with it is his own business and that the jails are already full of people for this silly charge.

    Then, when the potential jurors found out that the State wanted him to pay taxes on illegal drugs, they went nuts. One woman from the back said how stupid this was and why are we even here wasting our time. A “suit” from the front said this was the most ridiculous thing he’d ever heard. The prosecutor ended up dismissing the case. Judge gave me a dismissal with prejudice. I’m still laughing my ass off over this one.  I have NEVER seen a full on mutiny by an entire jury pool before. Easiest win ever!

    In so many ways, the drug war’s own exploding unpopularity is poised to become its downfall. Events like this aren’t the norm (yet), but the mere threat of insurrection in the courtroom is already an important check against prosecutorial overreach in the war on drugs (in case you were wondering why so many medical marijuana raids never lead to criminal charges).

    As the polls continue to turn in favor of reform, the refusal of juries to convict marijuana offenders could quickly become a brutal burden for these drug war boneheads to bear. It’s about damn time.

  • AP Sues FBI Over Impersonating An AP Reporter With A Fake AP StoryHouse Speaker John Boehner announced on February 5 that Francis has accepted the U.S. Congress invitation to speak before the legislature, which will convene a joint session of both chambers to mark the occasion.”On that day, he will become the first leader of the Holy See to address a joint meeting of Congress,” said Boehner who is an Ohio representative of the Republican Party.”It will be a historic visit, and we are truly grateful that Pope Francis has accepted our invitation.”Boehner expressed excitement over the upcoming papal visit, saying Francis’ message has resonated with people from different walks of life.”In a time of global upheaval, the Holy Father’s message of compassion and human dignity has moved people of all faiths and backgrounds,” he noted.

The Real Peace Officer

  • One City Stopped Arresting Drug Addicts, Offers Help Instead… And It’s Working!  Situated on the coast of Massachusetts, Gloucester’s claims to fame include its status as “America’s original seaport,” as well as being the real-life location on which events in the movie The Perfect Storm (2000) were based. Now, the small town has a new reason to be the center of attention: its police have been granting complete amnesty to drug users who come to the station seeking help, even if they come bearing the remainder of their stash.

    On March 6th of this year, Gloucester Chief of Police Leonard Campanello wrote a Facebook post much like he normally did. But this particular post bemoaned four deaths to heroin and opiates in just two months — for a city with less than 30,000 residents.

    Frustrated, and without any forethought, Campanello added what would turn out to be a propitious statement to that post:

    “If you are a user of opiates or heroin, let us help you. We know you do not want this addiction. We have resources here in the City that can and will make a difference in your life. Do not become a statistic.”

    The response was immediate and overwhelmingly positive. Where one of Campanello’s typical posts would collect, perhaps, a dozen ‘likes’ — this post garnered 1,234 likes and, according to the Washington Post, “more views than there were people in the city.”

    Obviously, he’d hit on the crux of a problem with the different approach that was sorely needed.

    The war on drugs is over,” Campanello said. And we lost. There is no way we can arrest our way out of this. We’ve been trying that for 50 years. We’ve been fighting it for 50 years, and the only thing that has happened is heroin has become cheaper and more people are dying [emphasis added].

    On May 4th, he posted a lengthy update after considering what he’d stumbled onto with that first extemporaneous post.

    “Any addict who walks into the police station with the remainder of their equipment (needles, etc.) or drugs and asks for help will NOT be charged. Instead we will walk them through the system toward detox and recovery. We will assign them an “angel” who will be their guide through the process. Not in hours or days, but on the spot. Addison Gilbert and Lahey Clinic have committed to helping fast track people that walk into the police department so that they can be assessed quickly and the proper care can be administered quickly [emphasis added].

    Though it was unclear what the repercussions of such a bold move would be, after over 33,000 likes and 30,000 shares for the updated post, there was no denying Campanello had found a better alternative to penalizing those struggling with addiction. Over 4,000 comments sang the praises of the program — a few even compared the approach to Portugal’s success decriminalizing all drugs. Most echoed sentiments like, Well done!andFinally someone gets it right! and even Bravo!! More compassion and humanity in our justice system. You are leading by example. And I think the results will validate your decision [emphasis added].

    And validate they have.

    Campanello said this week that over 100 addicts have already taken advantage of the opportunity — and one in six have come from out-of-state, including a person who traveled all the way from California to ask for help. It’s certainly a switch to see so many flock to the very police who, in the past, would have arrested and jailed every one of them.

Dunking DEA

  • Cocaine Production Plummets After DEA Kicked Out of BoliviaAfter the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) was kicked out of Bolivia, the country was able to drastically reduce the amount of coca (cocaine) produced within its borders. According to data released by the United Nations, cocaine production in the country declined by 11% in the past year, marking the fourth year in a row of steady decrease.

    It was just seven years ago that the DEA left Bolivia — and only three years after that, progress was finally made. The strategy employed by the Bolivian government may be a surprise to many prohibitionists because it did not involve any strong-arm police state tactics. Instead, they worked to find alternative crops for farmers to grow that would actually make them more money.

    “Bolivia has adopted a policy based on dialogue, where coca cultivation is allowed in traditional areas alongside alternative development [in others],” Antonino de Leo, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime’s representative in Bolivia, told VICE News.

    “It’s not only about making money off a crop. In the old fashioned alternative development approach, we substitute one illicit crop for a licit crop. It’s about a more comprehensive approach that includes access to essential services like schools, hospitals, and roads in areas that traditionally have been hard to reach,” Leo added.

Silence Weapons

  • Adults Targeted as Federal Government Prepares to Track the UnvaccinatedDuring the National Vaccine Advisory Committee’s (NVAC) February meeting, American adults were put on notice by Big Brother that non-compliance with federal vaccine recommendations will not be tolerated. Public health officials have unveiled a new plan to launch a massive nationwide vaccination promotion campaign involving private business and non-profit organizations to pressure all adults to comply with the adult vaccination schedule approved by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).1
    NVAC has authored the National Adult Immunization Plan (NAIP) and, once finalized, the plan will be turned over to the Interagency Adult Immunization Task Force (AIFT) to create an implementation plan. Notably, this task force is composed of “vested interest” stakeholders and no consumer representation for those groups concerned with vaccine safety and informed consent.
    NVIC has submitted our public comments and recommendations for the NVAC’s draft National Adult Immunization Plan.2 Your opportunity to submit your comments and concerns about this plan has been extended to March 23rd. We encourage all of our readers to participate in the public comment process and submit comments to the NVAC on the NAIP. Please forward this article to family and friends and encourage them to submit public comments, too.
  • Pentagon Teams up With Apple, Boeing to Develop Wearable TechU.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter awarded $75 million on Friday to help a consortium of high-tech firms and researchers develop electronic systems packed with sensors flexible enough to be worn by soldiers or molded onto the skin of a plane.

    Carter said funding for the Obama administration’s newest manufacturing institute would go to the FlexTech Alliance, a consortium of 162 companies, universities and other groups, from Boeing, Apple and Harvard, to Advantest Akron Polymer Systems and Kalamazoo Valley Community College. The group will work to advance the development and manufacture of so-called flexible hybrid electronics, which can be embedded with sensors and stretched, twisted and bent to fit aircraft or other platform where they will be used.

    “This is an emerging technology that takes advanced flexible materials for circuits, communications, sensors and power and combines them with thinned silicon chips to ultimately produce the next generation of electronic products,” Carter said.


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    • Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars

    • The people know that they have created this farce and financed it with their own taxes (consent), but they would rather knuckle under than be the hypocrite.Factor VI – Cattle
      Those who will not use their brains are no better off than those who have no brains, and so this mindless school of jelly-fish, father, mother, son, and daughter, become useful beasts of burden or trainers of the same.
    • Mr. Rothschild’s Energy Discovery
      What Mr. Rothschild [2] had discovered was the basic principle of power, influence, and control over people as applied to economics. That principle is “when you assume the appearance of power, people soon give it to you.”

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