Grammy’s Rocket Chair Podcast Blog – 2018-07-13 – #BarterSystem #Cancer #FOIA #FridayThe13th #Monsatan

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Grammys Rocket ChairGrammy’s Rocket Chair – It’s a FREEKER Friday the 13th (queue creepy music)

Where there’s Smoke……. There’s Fire…….. and the Liars, Liars are Really Starting to Feel the Heat! Every little kernel of Truth that comes out serves to Feed those Flames……. and the Ones who are on the Receiving End of the Hot Seat run the gambit from the Government, to the Food Industry & Big Agra, to Big Pharma & The Sciences, to the Over The Counter Health & Beauty Industry, to The Banksters & The Media….. basically, wherever you cast your gaze, you’re gonna See Puffs of Smoke!

NOW I understand what “They” mean by “Man Made Global Warming”! Well Fellas…… If ya can’t stand the Heat…… Stay Outta the Kitchen ’cause We Be Stir’n The Pots!

Thanks for giving a listen & be sure to check out ALL the Other Awesome Shows here on the RLM!

Much Love ~ Grammy

#BarterSystem, #Cancer, #FederalGovernment, #FOIA, #Frauds, #FridayThe13th, #Leaks, #Liars, #Monsatan, #NaturalAlternatives, #OliveOil, #Talc, #Venezuelan

This is the podcast for Grammy’s Rocket Chair Program that airs every Wednesday and Friday Night at 7:00 Eastern Time with your host Grammy Mary

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Author: Grammy Mary
I'm a Daughter, Sister, Friend, Lover, Mother & Grammy that seems to think I Might have something Vital to Say...... or at least Politically Incorrect ;)

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