Grammy’s Rocket Chair Podcast Blog – 2019-04-19 – #Depopulation #Agenda21 #Glyphosate #WWG1WGA #Ferengi

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Grammys Rocket Chair

Grammy’s Rocket Chair on a FREEKER Friday!

Ya ever get the feeling We’ve ALREADY been Invaded by Aliens??? I’m not talk’n about Individuals from Other Places on This World….. I’m Talk’n about Creatures from “Out There”! (Wherever Out There Is….)

Mind You, Their Disguise is GOOD….. They Look Like Us…… Some of them Act Like Us….. They Even Use OUR Language…… although the Words have Different Meanings for Them….. and when They Put Them on Paper, They Agree Amongst Themselves as to How & When Those Words Apply to US……. and They even have the Majority of Us “Willingly” Going Along with Them & Participating in Their “Staged Production”…… Here, Let’s put some Dots Together…….

There are “Individuals” that are Actively Working to Depopulate this World so They can Have It for Themselves…….. They’ve managed to Occupy Most Positions of Power, be it Government, Business or Religious……. For YEARS They have had almost Total Control over the Information WE are Given/Force Fed……. and They’ve Convinced a good share of the Local Population that They are Working in Our Best Interests……. “How to Serve Man” comes to mind! (That’s an Old Twilight Zone Episode for those of you who are Too Young to remember)

All That ^^^^^ Popped into My Mind while reading the “Ferengi Rules of Acquisition”…… THEY a.k.a. Individuals in Government, Big Business & Organized Religion are Ferengi!

That’s MY Story & I’m Sticking To It!

Thanks for Giving a Listen & Be Sure to check out ALL the Other Awesome Shows here on the RLM!

Much Love ~ Grammy

Tags: #Grammy, #RealLibertyMedia, #RLM, #Agenda21, #CDC, #Depopulation, #Ferengi, #Glyphosate, #HigherDeathRates, #LowerBirthRates, #Monsatan, #NaturalMedicine, #PackagedPoison4Profit, #WWG1WGA


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Author: Grammy Mary
I'm a Daughter, Sister, Friend, Lover, Mother & Grammy that seems to think I Might have something Vital to Say...... or at least Politically Incorrect ;)

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