In A Perfect World Podcast Blog – 2019-06-11 – The Fed Has Mastered Arguing If A Crime Is In Deed A Crime! w Flash Somebody

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Contrasting the Occupation

The Fed Has Mastered Arguing If A Crime Is In Deed A Crime!
w Flash

This Weeks Topics:

° Experts call bullshit…
° A Battery That Produces Energy Since 1950…
° With VinE off on a new adventure Flash takes the show to an unpopular time to broadcast and has to sail solo

Listen to the Podcast and enjoy!

Tags: #Flash, #VinE, #Flashsomebody, #PerfectWorld, #RealLibertyMedia, #RLM, #TheFed, #Crime, #Experts, #Bullshit, #Battery, #1950, #NewTime, #Adventure, #Broadcast

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Spreaker Episode Link

Show Page: In A Perfect World with Flash – Considering Perspectives – Tuesdays at 1PM Eastern



This is the podcast for the “In A Perfect World” Show that airs every Tuesday at 1:00 PM eastern.


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