The Freeker’s Ball Podcast Blog – 2019-12-27 – The Annual Prediction Show and 2019 Recap

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Freekier's Ball BannerOn December 27th, 2019 at 11:00 PM Eastern Time, The 9th Annual Freeker’s Ball Prediction Show was aired Live, Hosted by Moosegurl and Myself (Grimnir).

We went through all of the predictions made last year for 2019, reviewed the new predictions for 2020, and had a couple of new features: 1) Resolutions and 2) The 12 Top Stories covered on the show during the year.

The show was a lot of fun with plenty of audience participation from the folks in the chat room.

We will, of course, do this all again at the end of 2020, assuming there is no cataclysmic event that prevents us from doing so 😉

OK, On to the Predictions!

Click Through here to View All of the Predictions from This Year and for Next Year, and to read the Resolutions and Top Stories Covered on the Freeker’s Ball During 2019.

Have a listen and enjoy!

Thanks for listening and peace to you all,
Grimnir & Moosegurl

A couple Links from this weeks show:

Printable Calendar 2020 for United States (PDF)

Stay Single Until You Find Someone Who Puts Effort Into Loving You Every Day

OK, On to the predictions.

This Years Predictions:
====================== Predictions for 2020 =============================

01) Grimnir – I predict Rob Zombie will have some serious health issue revealed in 2020
02) FreeNslaved – Guy from Popeye’s chicken dies from lead poison after body slamming old woman.
03) Grimnir – Jimmy Carter will die in March of 2020
04) Grimnir – I predict BEATLE will predick many many things
05) FlashSomebody – VinE will still be ignored on all his live shows by his number one fan
06) GramZ – As of Jan. 1st Everyone will have 2020 Vision & Hindsight but it won’t change a thing
07) Meisterbrau – Trump pardons Roger Stone
08) Grimnir – New Mexico will pass legalized recreational marijuana in the 2020 congressional session and the governor will sign the bill
09) Grimnir – Alex Trebek will retire
10) FlashSomebody – an alien invasion sponsored by Israel and the USA
11) robwerks – nothing much will change
12) moosegurl – The Dallas Cowboys coach will be fired
13) FlashSomebody – The banks will crash in 2020 and bring us another bailout for big business with an even better fairy tale ending than the crash in 2008
14) robwerks – vine will leave at least 3 more times this year
15) FlashSomebody – Things will appear different but they will be exactly the same as they have always been.
16) VinE – tRump will say fuckit, I was da prez, and not rerun.
17) FlashSomebody – Trump is replaced with Pence
18) FreeNslaved – my 2019 prediction of 5k bitcoin for xmas 2019 is 2k higher at 7k
19) VinE – My name will be said repeatedly throughout the year.
20) Grimnir – You will hear the phrase “The 2020 election is the most important election in your life” many many times
21) Grimnir – WWIII is coming to a planet near you
22) Grimnir – George Soros will die (can the undead die?)
23) FlashSomebody – Trump will ascend to the heavens and reign for 10,000 years
24) VinE – America’s War in the West will come to the brink of Civil War.
25) Grimnir – VinE will falter at sometime during the year and smoke again
26) Prints – REAL DOOMSDAY ASTEROID, JUNE 12th 2020 @ 21:29:33
27) robwerks – someone on the view will have an anuerism when trump gets reselected
28) Prints – Vermin Supreme will win the popular vote as well as electoral college and will choose a watermelon as his vice
29) CowboyTech – Linux will become more popular in 2020
30) Grimnir – a 9.0+ earthquake somewhere along the Pacific rim
31) Grimnir – Ross Ulbricht will be released from prison – Free Ross!
32) slcmike – Julian Assange will commit suicide
33) VinE – US 9th Circuit Court of Appeals 2020 Session in Las Vegas will overturn Judge Navarro’s Bundy et al. Dismissal with Prejudice Ruling.
34) CowboyTech – dollar revaluation in 2020
35) moosegurl – Billy Strings will win a Grammy for Best Bluegrass Album of 2019
36) FreeNslaved – barman 3.0 spawns in 2020
37) damnvanmeter – I will move
38) FreeNslaved – Weekend at Ruth Bader Ginsburgs continues after 2020 election
39) damnvanmeter – Daniel Riley and Jason Gerhard (Ed and Elaine Brown Supporters) will be released from federal prison
40) slcmike – America will be at war
41) FreeNslaved – because of a Constitutional tort President Trump figures out how to run and win a 3rd term
42) cloee – Grimnir will share a youtube of his first guitar instrumental. 🙂
43) cloee – Trumpy will lose 2020!


Last Years Predictions:
(if there is a “*” preceding a line, that means it was correct, or a hit, a “-” means incorrect or a miss .)

================ Predictions for 2019 ==============

– 01) FreeNslaved – North and South Korea finally unite, under KIMs leadership
– 02) FreeNslaved – Trump will be forced to get it right on the deregulation, decriminalization of pot in AmeriKa.
– 03) FreeNslaved – Starbucks will eliminate plastic straws from all of its locations within two years, citing the environmental threat to oceans.
– 04) FreeNslaved – Pope Francis will resign before the end of 2018
– 04) robwerks – democrats will be completely devastated in the 2018 midterms
– 05) robwerks – freenode will go to a registered nicks only format soon
– 06) robwerks – Sometime in the future there will be a “Great garbage patch rush”
– 07) FreeNslaved – The global collapse started OCT 2018
– 08) FreeNslaved – bitcoin 750.00 new years eve valuation
* 09) Grimnir – The U.S. will not pull out of Syria in 2019
– 10) cirkel – big pharma will fuck up the weed even more in 2019
* 11) cirkel – There will still be Us troops in Syria by the end of 2019
– 12) Grimnir – a 9.0+ earthquake somewhere along the Pacific rim
– 13) Grimnir – Cheney will die … this time it’s for real!
* 14) CowboyTech – the sun will rise
* 15) cloe – Grimnir will reach into that closet to get his guitar and play it! 2019 ftw!!
– 16) Spacewolf – Britain will finalize a deal to leave the EU and at least 1 more country will start the process of leaving the EU
* 17) Grimnir – New Mexico will takes steps towards legal recreational weed
* 18) moosegurl – the US Southern border WILL NOT be completely closed in 2019
– 19) Grimnir – silver will reach $20 an ounce during the recession … oh yeah, there will be a recession 😉
* 20) CowboyTech – Voters will whine about voting
– 21) Grimnir – Ruth Bader Ginsberg will die
* 22) CowboyTech – statute of limitations will expire on some powerful people
– 23) Grimnir – Ross Ulbricht will be released from prison – Free Ross!
– 24) queite – Trump will not run in 2020.
– 25) moosegurl – the first manned rocket trip to mars will take off in 2019
– 26) Grimnir – Hansel will see the error of following Trump
* 27) JDredd – Grimnir will turn Cyanotic and turn blue from holding his breath waiting for Hans to ever betray his Sith Lord !
– 28) queite – Henry Kissinger dies
– 29) moosegurl – the festival at the Woodstock original site on 8/14 to 8/16 will be a success
– 30) VinE – a new raid Cattle Battle Gather on the Bundy Ranch
* 31) VinE – VinE’s return to Radio the 1st Friday of 2019
* 32) CowboyTech – VinE will do more shows without Hansel
* 33) cirkel – Sex-bots will be just as disappointing as everything else
* 34) FlashSomebody – The government wins everything!

================ Resolutions for 2020 ==============
1) Grimnir – I will get more sleep
2) VinE – I will witness tyranny.
3) VinE – I will hike more miles.
4) VinE – I will bring more radio interviews to RLM.
5) cirkel – learn something new
6) VinE – I will write full actual articles this next year.
7) moosegurl – I will go to a Linux system

========== Top 12 Freeker’s Ball Stories of 2019 ===================
1) Hacker group releases ‘9/11 Papers’, says future leaks will ‘burn down’ US deep state — RT USA News (January 4th)
“The Dark Overlord hacker group has released decryption keys for 650 documents it says are related to 9/11. Unless a ransom is paid, it threatened with more leaks that will have devastating consequences for the US ‘deep state’. ”

2) NASA Launches Department Dedicated to Finding Aliens | Mysterious Universe (February 22nd)
” A few months ago, NASA held a conference on ways to detect artificial “technosignatures” of alien life, byproducts of civilization like radio waves, pollutants, and garbage. They seem to be taking the search for extraterrestrials seriously and have announced the creation of a new department dedicated to the search for alien life.”

3) Believing conspiracy theories might make you a criminal (March 1st)
“People who buy into outrageous conspiracy theories — say, that no human has ever walked on the moon or the ancient pyramids were built by aliens — are more inclined to actively engage in anti-social behavior.”

4) Fully Vaccinated Children Actually Spreading Measles – And the Government Knows It (April 12th)
“We are witness to an orchestrated frenzy that has been revved-up by vaccine stakeholders – i.e., those who have a direct or indirect financial stake in vaccines– through the corporate / academic institutions that employ them.

Their unified objective is to achieve maximum utilization of vaccines, and total compliance with vaccination schedules set by the government in collaboration with vaccine manufacturers. … Never disclosed to the public, but known to CDC officials is the following evidence that has finally been published in the Journal of Clinical Microbiology (2017):

“During the measles outbreak in California in 2015, a large number of suspected cases occurred in recent vaccinees. Of the 194 measles virus sequences obtained in the United States in 2015, 73 were identified as vaccine sequences (R. J. McNall, unpublished data).” [1]

Rebecca J. McNall, a co-author of the published report, is a CDC official in the Division of Viral Diseases, who had the data proving that the measles outbreak was in part caused by the vaccine. It is evidence of the vaccine’s failure to provide immunity.”

5) Denver Just Became the First U.S. City to Decriminalize Psychedelic Mushrooms – (May 10th)
“In a surprise turn of events, a Denver ballot initiative to effectively decriminalize psychedelic mushrooms, previously thought to have failed, now appears to have narrowly passed after all. This would make the Mile High City the first in the U.S. to decriminalize psilocybin.”

6) ‘Government at its best’! Report: All criminal charges dropped against eight people involved in Flint water scandal – (June 14th)
“Prosecutors say they’re dismissing all criminal charges against eight people in the Flint water scandal and starting the investigation over again.”

7) New Trend of Tampering With Food Products and Putting Them Back Going Viral (July 5th)
“A new trend where people tamper with food, licking it or half consuming it before putting it back in the container, is going viral.
Last week, a woman in the city of Lufkin, eastern Texas, was filmed in a branch of Walmart opening an ice cream tub, licking it and then placing it back in the freezer.”

8) New FBI Document Adds “Fringe” Conspiracy Theories As Next Big Domestic Terror Threat – Activist Post (August 2nd)
“It already has been well documented how many government agencies have compiled lists containing Americans who are potential terrorists.

Back in 2013 Michael Snyder highlighted 72 types of Americans who made some sort of “potential threat” list and he provided links to all of the documents.

As comprehensive as that was, there is a brand new document that has been obtained by Yahoo! News which purports to illustrate a new category that the FBI is zeroing in on — “fringe” conspiracy theories. Yahoo! states that this is a “first for the agency.””

9) Vaping-related illness claims a fourth life in the US as possible cases swell to 450 | Daily Mail Online (September 6th)
“Vaping-related lung illness has now killed four people and may be sickening as many as 450 people across 33 US states, health officials said Friday.
So far, 215 cases have been confirmed, but the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have dramatically expanded their investigation. Indiana health officials confirmed on Friday that one adult over 18 there has died of vaping-related ‘severe lung injury’, making that individual the third suspected death from vaping.
A fourth death was confirmed later on Friday by Minnesota health officials.”

10) ‘We Need To Eat The Babies!’ AOC Town Hall Attendee Urges Eating Babies to Stop Climate Change (October 4th)
“A woman attending a town hall hosted by Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez interrupted the proceedings to demand that people “start eating babies” in response to climate change.”

11) Popeyes customer is ‘stabbed to death’ over the restocked chicken sandwich | Daily Mail Online (November 8th)
“Popeyes customer, 28, is ‘stabbed to DEATH in an argument over the chicken sandwich while waiting in line’ at a Maryland restaurant during nationwide chaos over its return to the menu”

12) “A Children’s Book of Demons” Teaches Children How to Summon Demons – The Vigilant Citizen
“This children’s book presents the summoning of demons as a fun way of taking care of everyday problems such as chores, homework and getting rid of bullies. And it gets worse. … Although it might the worst idea for a children’s book in world history, A Children’s Book of Demons exists. It is published, widely distributed and it is sold on Amazon, at Walmart and some of the largest book stores in the country.”

#Grimnir, #Moosegurl, #RealLibertyMedia, #FreekersBall, #BallsToTheWall, #Music, #2019, #2020, #Predictions, #Resolutions, #TopStories, #RobZombie, #DeepState, #NASA, #Aliens, #ConspiracyTheories, #Vaccinated, #Measles, #Psychedelic, #Mushrooms, #Flint, #TamperingWithFood, #FBI, #DomesticTerror, #Vaping, #Popeyes, #BookOfDemons


The Freeker’s Ball airs LIVE every Friday night at 11:00 PM Eastern with your hosts Grimnir and Moosegurl right here on the Real Liberty Media Website on the Freeker’s Ball Show Page


Listen to more Freeker’s Ball Podcasts on the Podcasts Archive Page.


Come and Join us on Friday Nights (or any time) in the RLM Chat Room for a great time!


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I am the founder of Real Liberty Media. I believe in absolute freedom for all people.

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