The 2014 Bundy Ranch Standoff

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Internet Radio Journalist Investigates Cliven Bundy Ranch Case  with Vincent Easley 

Vincent Easley broadcasting for UCY.TV Photo courtesy of Vincent Easley
 Photo courtesy of Vincent Easley

Vincent Easley is an Internet radio personality who hosts several talk shows through UCY.TV and Real Liberty Media. Easley travels from his mountain base in Clinton, Arkansas to the far reaches of the United States talking to people about, “What Matters World Wide.”

In April of 2014, social media was alive with buzz about a growing protest in Bunkerville Nevada. A cattle rancher named Cliven Bundy, was in a heated battle with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) about the grazing fees for Bundy’s cattle in Gold Butte an area of federally owned land in Clark County.

The Road to Controversy

The social media storm about the conflict caught Easley’s attention enough to arrange for transportation and join hundreds of others in the desert heat who were there to support the rancher.

“I looked up ride share and other logistics on social media and went to Bunkerville to cover the story for the media about what was going on down there with the protest,” said Easley.

Vincent Easley on the road in pursuit of "What Matters Worldwide." Photo courtesy of Vincent Easley
Vincent Easley on the road in pursuit of “What Matters Worldwide.” Photo courtesy of Vincent Easley

The conflict brewed between Bundy and the BLM brewed for around two decades before coming to a head where both sides were armed and no one was willing to back down. The 51-day standoff that ensued remains a highly controversial topic among conservationists and those who oppose tight governmental control over lands designated for public use.

Vincent Easley filming Cliven Bundy at standoff in Clark County April 12, 2014. Photo Courtesy of Vincent Easley.
Vincent Easley filming Cliven Bundy at standoff in Clark County April 12, 2014. Photo Courtesy of Vincent Easley.

According to the Washington Post, some supporters faced serious consequences earlier this

year for their role in the standoff against federal and state agents.


Easley witnessed a highly charged debate between Sheriff Gillespie and Cliven Bundy about the release of Bundy’s cattle. Protesters stood at gunpoint in support of Bundy.

“Over the past two decades other farmers have been put out of business because they increase the fees and reduce the number of cattle per unit that farmers are allowed to range,” said Easley.

Michele Fiore, Brad Rogers and Stewart Rhodes at Bundy standoff in Bunkerville Nevada. Photo courtesy of Vincent Easley.
Assembly Woman Michele Fiore, Brad Rogers and Stewart Rhodes at Bundy standoff in Bunkerville Nevada. Photo courtesy of Vincent Easley.

Disputes over use of public lands continue with the recent occupation Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon. Two of Bundy’s sons are charged with crimes related to the standoff. Easley believes his role in bringing information about controversial topics to the public’s attention is important and wouldn’t hesitate to break out his recording gear and hit the road for another chance to tell a story from the inside out.


Internet Radio Journalist Investigates Cliven Bundy Ranch Case

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Author: VinE PG

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