Ammon Bundy a Free Man

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A Free Man


What is a Radical? Ammon Bundy Walked Free Last Night not Long After His Arrest.
A Real Dangerous Man? Reckon Not So Much.

“Think of the Children” they used to say…

The facts, and how you stand matter.

“We all complain about how corrupt this country is but when men stand up for what’s right nobody seems to have the balls to stand behind them!! Why didn’t anyone and everyone stand up when they arrested him yesterday??? Together We the People make the difference. We the People hold them accountable. They work for We the People!!! This country is going to hell and all because we don’t stand up for our God given rights anymore!!”

I Stand with #AmmonBundy

Ammon Bundy a Free Man.
Custody Status Date Aug 13, 2023 01:41 AM MDT
Custody Status Out of Custody
Custody Detail General Release
Book Date Aug 11, 2023 08:50 PM MDT
Gem County Sheriff’s Office
415 E Main St
Emmett, ID 83617
(208) 365-3521

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Author: VinE
Custodial Heir for Real Liberty Media / RLM Radio

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