Tag: system

Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Apr 28, 2024

Global Viral Piracy, Bird Flu Moo, Ferreting Weasel Words, Kent State Redux, Genocide For Votes, Florida Man, Thou Shalt Not, False Witness, Proper Court Order, House Of The Compromised, Rlog, BTWRLM574, Bird flu, Chemistry, Milk, Dairy Cows, Highly, Pathogenic, Avian, Influenza, Novel, H5N1, Weasel Words, Stella Assange, Julian Assange, Biden, Choose, Freedom, Democracy, Plot Twist, Snipers, Ohio, Indiana, University, Pro-Palestine, Protests, Radical, IDF, Sanctions, Psych, Human Rights, Violations, Placate, Voters, Dangers, Communism, Florida, Myopic, Trump Trial, Max Azzarello, Self-immolation, Fascist, Coup, Russian, Assets, Ukraine, U.S., House of Thieves, Confiscate, EU, Blow-back, Destroy, Global, Financial, System, Estonia, Demonacracy, Christian, Monasteries, Threatened, Minors, Exchanged, Families, Reunited, Ctrl-Z Divorce, Final, Police, Compel, Biometric, Device, Unlocking, Lenders, Leveraging, Africa, Resources, Debt, Asymmetrical, Exploitation, Xi Jinping, Military, Overhaul, Cognitive Warfare, US, Lawmakers, Fear, Framed, Kiddie Porn, Tucker Carlson

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Apr 28, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Apr 21, 2024

What Represents You, Skeptical Injustices, House Afire, Coordinating Genocide, New Equation, Bidenomics v. Putinomics, Texas Murder, Kidnapped Truth, Follow The Money, Rlog, BTWRLM573, Supreme Court, Justices, Skeptical, Biden, DOJ, Jan. 6, Defendants, Double Standard, Obstruction, Alarming, Rep. Bowman, Fire, US, Ammunition Factory, Government, Finances, Unsustainable, Spy, Program, Renewal, Congress, Palestinian, Slogan, Anti-Semitic, Is Anti-Semitic, Gaza, Genocide, Explicit Policy, Michael Hudson, Zionists, Attack, Torah Jews Center, Iranian, Cyber Group, Israeli, Radar, Iran, Missile, Drone, Declaration of War, Explosions, Air Defence, Isfahan, Quadcopters, Keystone Copters, New Sanctions, Russian, Bans, Foreign, Workers, Disappearance, Russell Bentley, RIP, Donetsk, Donbas, Russian 5th Tankers, Ukrainian, Children, Kidnapped, Germany, Russia, Collaborate, Africa, Non-communicable, Communicable, Disease, Outbreaks, Sustainable, Moon Base, Insurers, Government, Sabotaged, Nord Stream, BRICS, International, Monetary, System, Change Agent, Ignorance, Judge Dread, African, Policeman, Sue, Black Lives Matter, Activist, US Supreme Court

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Apr 21, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Apr 07, 2024

Cyberian Panopticonocratic Plantation, Privacy Nightmares, Inhumane Prisons Proof, Justus Victimization System, Financialization Death Throes, aBrandonomics, SWIFT Enslavement, Elephant Meet Room, Gold Premonition, Pregnancy Brain, Rlog, BTWRLM571, Telegram, Peer-to-peer, Free, Login, Nightmare, Trudeau, Online, Speech Monitoring, Taxpayer, Israel, AI, Targets, Gaza, Indiscriminate, Killing, Facebook, Fact-Checker, RMIT, Misconduct, Abusive, U.S. Prison, System, Inhumane, Assange, Thirteenth Amendment, United States Constitution, 7th Guard, Sentenced, Sexually, Abusing, Inmates, California, Rape Club, Oakland, 480 Cameras, Joining, Nationwide, Mass-Surveillance, System, New York, Quarantine, Isolate, Citizens, Indefinitely, Death of Empires, History, Collapse, U.S., Hegemony, Biden, Strategic Oil Reserve, Oil Purchase, Cancel, Oil, $90, Per Barrel, SWIFT, Second Phase, Sandbox, CBDC, Interlinking, G20, Plot, CBDC, Digital ID, Worldwide, Zimbabwe, ‘Gold’ Currency, Botswana, Deport, 20,000 Elephants, Germany, Farmers, Bee Fences, Kenya, Gold, Tops, $2,300, Powell, Magic, 8 Ball, Russia, Wheat, Dutch, Central Bank, New, Gold Standard, Pregnancy, Alter, Structure, Brain

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Apr 07, 2024
Posted in Behind The Woodshed Uncategorized WhoopAss

Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Mar 10, 2024

Seek Solid Foundations, Sea Rose, Post Founding Father America, American Collapse, Enemies Within, CYBERIAN PANOPTICON, Trudeau Bio-weapons Cover-up, Internet Dead, Religion Then And Now, Dedollarization Gulag, Rlog, BTWRLM567, Lost Continent, Australia, US Supreme Court, Trump, Ballots, Texans, Secession, Warning, West, Collapse, State Of The Onion, Tucker Carlson, Biden’s Address, Un-American, Victoria Nuland, Quits, Rats, Sinking Ship, US, Censorship, Industrial, Complex, Cyberian, Panopticon, Gulag, Stalag, Concentration Camp, Google, User-tracker, Chrome, Verified, Xherd, Inter-Drag-net, Pre-Crime, Canada, Justice Minister, House Arrest, Poilievre, Trudeau, Bio-weapons, Documents, World, Internet Outages, Old World, Dead, Ancient Device, Reveal, Bond, Religion, Science, Greek Orthodox, Holy Synod, Anti-Semitism, Hypocrisy, Dedollarization, Sergei Glazyev, BRICS, Blockchain, Payment, System

Continue Reading Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Mar 10, 2024
Posted in Environment Free Your Mind Freedom Liberty News Podcast Archives Podcasts RLM News Science & Technology

Free Your Mind Blog – 2021-04-08 – Episode 06 – You Can Checkout Anytime You Like, But You Can Never Leave

Moosegurl and I discussed the various ways you are entrapped by the state and how it is almost impossible to fully extract yourself from it.

Some of the topics we covered were:
° You Can Checkout Anytime You Like, But You Can Never Leave
° Sovereign
° How Far Can You Extract Yourself From The System?
° Can You Ever Really Be Free In This World?
° Statement of Individual Freedom | Real Liberty Media

The title of today’s show comes from the song “Hotel California” by The Eagles.

Continue Reading Free Your Mind Blog – 2021-04-08 – Episode 06 – You Can Checkout Anytime You Like, But You Can Never Leave
Posted in Dropping a Coil Freedom News Podcast Archives Podcasts Science & Technology

Dropping a Coil Podcast Blog w Larry Woods Flash Robwerks – 2020-09-24 – It Could Be Worse, The Fed Could Reset Finance

Today’s Show Topic – “It Could Be Worse, The Fed Could Reset Finance”

Items Discussed:

  • New Covid Stories With Larry
  • Dark Thoughts With Robwerks
  • Larry Talks About Hemp
  • Lets Argue About Society
  • Deep Rooted Faith In Government
  • Optimists And Spells And Symbolism
  • Fishin’ Report
  • Hi I’m Larry and This Is My Brother Daryl and This Is My Other Brother Daryl
  • It Needs To Be Flash Frozen
  • Protesting
  • Fighting The Evil System
  • Fractional Reserve Banking Practices
  • Franchises?
Continue Reading Dropping a Coil Podcast Blog w Larry Woods Flash Robwerks – 2020-09-24 – It Could Be Worse, The Fed Could Reset Finance
Posted in Environment Freedom Grim Leftovers Liberty News Podcast Archives Podcasts RLM News Science & Technology

Grim Leftovers Podcast Blog – 2020-03-16 – #Biometric #IntelligentLife #Trump #FastRadioBurst #Outbreak

Today’s Show Topics:
° The Biometric Threat
° Astronomers Want Public Funds For Intelligent Life Search
° Trump Threatens To Pull Federal Cannabis Protections
° How To Block The Chrome Software Reporter Tool (software_reporter_tool.exe)
° Fast Radio Burst: A Mysterious Deep Space FRB Is Sending Signals To Earth Every 16 Days
° China Tries 3,000-Year-Old Traditional Remedy On Virus Patients
° Nearly 10K Military Personnel From 110 Nations In Wuhan China Weeks Before Coronavirus Outbreak!
° Human Composting Could Be The Future Of Deathcare
° What Experts Have to Say About the Endocannabinoid System
° What Is The Endocannabinoid System And Anandamide?

Continue Reading Grim Leftovers Podcast Blog – 2020-03-16 – #Biometric #IntelligentLife #Trump #FastRadioBurst #Outbreak