RLM News – January 19th, 2012

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Boycott SOPA: An Android app that terrifies publishers and politicians

Yesterday was Stop SOPA day and the internet Blackout, today is
Lysander Spooner day, a day to celebrate individualism and voluntarism.
The government doesn’t care, it continues on it’s merry little march
toward total fascism, regardless of what the people think, do or say.
They try to make you feel like you have a say in it all when it is
obvious you don’t. The constitution has been totally trashed. The Bill
of Rights is null and void. People continue to fight and argue over
which of the various corporate shills would be the best

I personally hope the whole government goes belly-up. Federal, state
and local and people can start going about living freely. If that does
occur, which is highly unlikely, it will not be an easy road, but it
would be a very worthwhile road. There will always be some group or
another trying to take control of you and your life and there will
always be plenty of people begging to let them to do so. It is really a
sad commentary on the nature of of humanity. But, in the meantime, I
will continue pushing people towards total liberty or the best shot at
the maximum liberty that is achievable.

The Video
recording of the show
is at the bottom of the post.

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the links from the information shared on the
Real Liberty Media
News on Channel 1 – January 19th, 2012

The State versus the Highwayman – Lysander
Spooner –

Spooner (Wikipedia)

No Treason – The Constitution of No Authority

Marianne Gingrich, Newt’s ex-wife, says he wanted
‘open marriage’

Gary Johnson on SOPA: “There are NO problems
with the Internet that we want the government to try to fix!”

Exposed: Deadly Cancer Drugs Make Cancer Worse and
Kill Patients More Quickly

Republican field shrinks to four as Perry

State versus the Highwayman
Lysander Spooner

PIPA and SOPA Co-Sponsors Abandon Bills
Santorum declares victory after revised Iowa
caucus total

Deutsche Bank Again Under Fire From Internal
Whistleblower Accusing Bank Of Fudging Numbers

Bachmann Definitely Not Endorsing Newt
In Fight Over Piracy Bills, New Economy
Rises Against Old

Gingrich Asked His Wife to Share Him
After weeks of media trying to paint
#RonPaul as a racist, NYT doesn’t even mention him in piece on race/gop

Hollywood Moguls Stopping Obama
Donations Because Of President’s Piracy Stand: “Not Give A Dime Anymore”

Hollywood Moguls Stopping Obama Donations Because Of President’s Piracy Stand: “Not Give A Dime Anymore”

Links Not Covered during Live Broadcast

Paul Campaign To Newt, Santorum,
Perry: “It’s Over”

Paul Campaign To Newt, Santorum, Perry: “It's Over”

20 percent of Americans are mentally

Cited By SOPA Supporters May Be Fictitious

Obama Considering Larry Summers To Head
World Bank

How Iran Could Whip the United States and
Israel Without Firing a Single Shot

Global Internet Voting Firm Buys U.S.
Election Results Reporting Firm

Paul Campaign To Newt, Santorum, Perry:
“It’s Over”

GOP debate audience boos Romney’s Mexican

debate: Crowd gets rowdy when candidates talk foreign policy

The Coming Disaster for Chicago: The G8
Summit in May

Boycott SOPA: An Android app that terrifies
publishers and politicians

Obama sued over indefinite detention and
torture of Americans act

New legislation would strip you of your

Iran makes arrests in scientist assassination
The Nation: Why Do GOP Bosses Fear Ron Paul?
CDC Increases Pressure on Parents to
Vaccinate Kids with Deadly Toxins

Focusing on Nomination, Paul Plots a Backup

Is German Anger Finally Coming To A Boil?
Even Local CEO’s Say Time To Exit Euro May Have Arrived

Why Congress Will be Immune from NDAA Arrest
and Imprisonment — With Exceptions

Reddit Founder Explains What
Internet Will Look Like If SOPA Passes


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I am the founder of Real Liberty Media. I believe in absolute freedom for all people.

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