RLM News – January 6th, 2012

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Physical Silver Surges To Record 30% Premium Over Spot, In BackwardationA snippet from Jacob Hornberger’s blog post from today
describes how I feel:

I feel like I’m living in an alternative
universe, one that
is similar to Bizarro World,
which was introduced in the early 1960s in Superman comics. It’s a
world in which everything that is normal is considered abnormal, and
everything that is abnormal is considered normal.

Reading and hearing the news I do every day, it only seems to get more
and more bizarre. But, I guess this is just how things are these days.
Logic no longer applies. Reality no longer matters. The world is really
upside down or inside out or something along those lines. I guess it
had to come to this, and really, it has been this way for a very long
time, but with all the lies and propaganda continuously told by the
establishment at some point I don’t think even they know what is real
or true any longer, so they start believing their own bullshit.

The Video
recording of the show
is at the bottom of the post.

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the links from the information shared on the
Real Liberty Media
News on Channel 1 – January 6th, 2012

US intervention in Iran will drag China
& Russia into war – Video

Laughing In The Face Of Goliath: The Virtue Of Fighting Back
Students Demonstrate the Idiocy Of Our Education System

Rick Santorum Does Not Know Drug Offenders Have

Laughing In The Face Of Goliath: The Virtue Of
Fighting Back

Plundering the American Dream: College Students
Demonstrate the Idiocy Of Our Education System

Life in Bizarro World – by Jacob G.

Real Jobless Rate Is 11.4% With Realistic
Labor Force Participation Rate

U.S. gains 200,000 jobs in December (Fake

Gasoline prices start the year with a bang
Santorum gains, Romney holds New Hampshire
lead (what about Ron Paul?)

intervention in Iran will drag China & Russia into war

Ron Paul strong in N.H. poll; Romney still

CNN/Time Poll: Romney and Santorum soar in
South Carolina (What about Ron Paul?)

Cold Fusion at Home Depot?

The Nightmarish
Decline Of The Euro Has Begun
Look Out Below – The Nightmarish Decline Of The Euro Has Begun

Links Not Covered during Live BroadcastThe mainstream media might as well be Hollywood

mainstream media might as well be Hollywood

Iowa: The Meaningless Sideshow Begins – Matt

Paul Rakes In $13 Million In Three Months
Leaked:US letter to Spain warned of
punishment for not passing a SOPA-style law

Santorum shrugs off report of Iowa vote

Federal Grants Pay to Militarize Local Cops
Less than 24 Hours Congress Could Vote to Change the Internet Forever

Physical Silver Surges To Record 30% Premium
Over Spot, In Backwardation

All paper bugs must die!


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I am the founder of Real Liberty Media. I believe in absolute freedom for all people.

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