RLM News Show Blog – April 10, 2013

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Background Checks are gun confiscation

Obama uses executive power to move gun control agenda forward
Obama uses executive power to move gun control agenda forward
If you support background checks for gun or ammunition purchases, you are supporting a gun ban which will eventually lead to your right to self-defense being taken from you. It seems that most people are ok with preventing felons and the mentally unstable from owning weapons.

There is a huge problem with that kind of thinking in that the state can declare anything you do as a reason to place you into one of those categories. If you don’t blindly agree with and believe everything the government says, you will be declared mentally unstable. If you have the nerve to actually speak out against any of the government’s policies, you will be declared a felon.

If you believe in your natural right to self-defense, against criminals and tyranny or if you support the Constitution and 2nd amendment protections, you should be absolutely opposed to any kind of background check or gun regulations. This includes the need for ANY gun license, registration or concealed carry permits.

These are the links to the stories covered on the RLM News Show – April 10, 2013

Police Confiscate Man’s Guns Over Son’s Water Pistol Threat
Police Confiscate Man’s Guns Over Son’s Water Pistol Threat

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Real Liberty Media page on WorldTruth.org

Pakistan test fires nuclear missile capable of striking India

Pakistan test fires its new nuclear-capable Hatf IV Shaheen-1 ballistic missile which could strike the heart of India.

Links to other Important Stories I didn’t have time to cover on the show

Iran's first-quarter oil exports rise despite Western sanctions
Iran’s first-quarter oil exports rise despite Western sanctions

US targets Iranian channels to delight Israel

A political analyst tells Press TV that the United States and its Zionist masters are leading an ongoing smear campaign against the Iranian media.

WikiLeaks Project K sleeping danger to US PR

Ensconced in the Ecuadorian Embassy for over nine months, but still fighting to open the lid on global politics. Julian Assange has released over 1.7 million US diplomatic cables from the 1970s – which he has dubbed the most-significant geopolitical publication ever – READ MORE http://on.rt.com/3ljhfx

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I am the founder of Real Liberty Media. I believe in absolute freedom for all people.

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