RLM News Show Blog – May 20, 2013

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Property Of MeThis is my statement of independence as a Free Individual:

“I, as a Free Individual, reject and disavow any and all Citizenship under any Government or Corporate system or entity. Any previous assertions or claims that I was a Citizen are null and void. I use the term Individual rather than Person because Person is used within legalese as an item of property. I am not an item of property.
I am not do not claim to be a ‘Sovereign-Citizen’ as that term is an oxymoron. I also do not claim to be a ‘Free Citizen’ as, again, the term is an oxymoron.
I, further, neither grant nor provide any Government or Corporate system or entity authority over me, my freedom and liberty or property. Any claims of such authority are erroneous and incorrect.”

This statement may be used as is or modified by anyone who chooses to do so. I would suggest you make the wording to your liking then print it out and carry it with you for those times when someone wishes to claim they have Authority over you.

These are the links to the stories covered on the RLM News Show – May 20, 2013

Mind Control In The United States
Mind Control In The United States

Please Click Here and Favorite the
Real Liberty Media page on WorldTruth.org

Why America Is On The Brink Of Revolution!!!

Why the USA could be on the brink of a revolution or uprising against the government.

Links to other Important Stories I didn’t have time to cover on the show

Syrian Forces Inflict Heavy Losses on US Sponsored Terrorists
Syrian Forces Inflict Heavy Losses on US Sponsored Terrorists

Armed March on Washington?

A bunch of people have asked me for my take on the armed march on Washington which Adam Kokesh and others have planned for this July 4th. So here it is.

Syrian soaring sectarianism & division used to target Iran

Hezbollah militants have joined forces with pro-Assad troops in the fearce fight for control of a rebel stronghold on Syria’s border with Lebanon. The town of Qusair is considered a key entry point for smuggling arms into Syria. Middle East expert Tariq Ali believes the recent escalation of sectarian violence in the region is being used by the West to target Iran.

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I am the founder of Real Liberty Media. I believe in absolute freedom for all people.

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