RLM News Show Podcast Blog – February 20, 2014

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February 20, 2014

Ragnarok: End of the world predicted to happen on Saturday

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The Truth About The Ukraine Crisis

Published on Feb 19, 2014
Washington is engaged in a dangerous act of regime change that could spark a new cold war.

Links to other Important Stories I didn’t have time to cover on the show

Kiev Today Vs Yesterday
Truce crumbles amid gunfire in Ukraine, protesters claim 100 dead

Former CIA analyst sues the State Department

Published on Feb 19, 2014
A former CIA analyst is suing the State Department for putting him on a watch list. Ray McGovern, through the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund, is suing Secretary of State John Kerry and the George Washington University Police Department for civil rights violations. McGovern protested a speech by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at the District of Columbia university in 2011, when he was removed from the auditorium by force and arrested. He says the police used excessive force, and that police were on the lookout for him due to a “Be on the Lookout” (or BOLO) Alert issued by the State Department. RT’s Liz Wahl discusses the suit with Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, executive director for the PCJF.

Ukraine riots according to Obama: ‘Peaceful protesters’ oppressed by govt

Published on Feb 20, 2014
Washington was quick to respond to the violence in Kiev. 20 senior Ukranian officials, accused of sparking the clashes, are banned from travelling to the US. But as RT’s Gayane Chichakyan reports, the US may only be seeing one side of the story.

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