RLM News Show Podcast Blog – April 22, 2014

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April 22, 2014

US Navy to deploy combat dolphins for Black Sea military drills

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Picture Perfect? US State Dept publishes ‘evidence’ of Russian ‘involvement’ in Ukraine

Published on Apr 22, 2014

Pictures — according to the US State Department — prove Russian involvement in eastern Ukraine. The ‘evidence’ as the State Department calls them, show people taking part in seizures of admin buildings in the region. These same individuals involved in operations in Georgia in 2008, according to the State Department. Spokeswoman Jen Psaki came under fire over those photos during her last briefing.

Links to other Important Stories I didn’t have time to cover on the show

Volcanoes All Over The Ring Of Fire Are Erupting Right Now – Is The U.S. Next?

Exclusive Investigation Uncovers How BP Uses Bribes To Do Business

Published on Apr 22, 2014

Four years after 200-million gallon BP oil spill, TRNN speaks with investigative journalist Greg Palast about BP’s collusion with government officials to get dodge safety regulations

Cliven Bundy Urged to Sue BLM for Impersonating Police Officers

Published on Apr 22, 2014

Texas Republican Rep. Steve Stockman sent a letter to the Bureau of Land Management this week claiming that the agency was illegally using armed agents in its “paramilitary raid” against a Nevada rancher.

Even though the Bureau of Land Management ceased rounding up Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy’s cattle, reports indicate that federal agents are gearing up for a raid on Bundy’s ranch. Stockman says that such use of force is illegal and the BLM is required by law to rely on local law enforcement officials — not heavily-armed BLM agents.

“Because of this standoff, I have looked into BLM’s authority to conduct paramilitary raids against American citizens, and it appears the BLM is acting in a lawless manner in Nevada,” Stockman wrote to BLM officials.

Stockman says federal law requires the BLM to use local law enforcement officers to help enforce federal laws. The BLM has not done this in the case of Cliven Bundy. Federal agents have been spearheading efforts to gather cattle and suppress protesters who sympathize with Bundy, while local law enforcement agents have sat on the sidelines.

Stockman cites 43 United States Code Section 1733 which says that the Interior Secretary “shall offer a contract to appropriate local officials having law enforcement authority” to achieve “maximum feasible reliance” upon such local officials.

“Yet, at the Bundy farm, on the federal law enforcement front line were BLM Law Enforcement Rangers and BLM Special Agents. The Sheriff of Clark County has been on the sidelines,” Stockman wrote.

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