Grim Leftovers Podcast Blog – 2019-09-09 – #DonCarroll #ZeroWarming #FailedScientists #Syria #MKUltra

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Grim Leftovers
Podcast Blog

This show offers you a non-mainstream, non-propagandized analysis of not-so-fresh news stories.

(Grim Leftovers – Episode 38)

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Week 37 of 2019 brings you more interesting and fun stories. (Grim Leftovers – Episode 38)

Yesterday, September 8th, 2019, sadly, a valued and admired member of the Real Liberty Media (RLM) family passed away, Mr. Don Carroll or as some of you may have known him I_Be_Don_C. His presence will be missed here at RLM. We wish his family, friends and loved ones our greatest condolences and all the best wishes.

I personally knew Don as an extremely nice guy, he was very smart and caring. He often spoke about his family and his pets. He never had a harsh word for anyone. He was great with computers and would offer advice, when wanted, where needed. He liked being a bit of a practical joker as was evidenced by his trying to catch people off guard with fake ducks in the duck hunting game. He enjoyed music, I know of two artists he especially liked, Imelda May and Haley Reinhart.

We are sad to see you go Don, you will be remembered.

A few words from the Bhagavad-Gita “All that lives, lives forever. Only the shell, the perishable passes away. The spirit is without end… Eternal… Deathless…”

The world is a crazy place, and almost always because of people’s belief in authority (or authoritah if you prefer ).

Thanks Everyone!



#Grimnir, #Leftovers, #RealLibertyMedia, #RLMRadio, #Rlog, #DonCarroll, #BhagavadGita, #Hurricane, #ZeroWarming, #FailedScientists, #MagneticFieldReversal, #Syria, #NeverRevolution, #Terrorists, #ATT, #Malware, #8chan, #Manifesto, #Walmart, #Shooter, #MKUltra, #ElPaso, #Police, #BirdPoop, #Cocaine

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I am the founder of Real Liberty Media. I believe in absolute freedom for all people.

1 thought on “Grim Leftovers Podcast Blog – 2019-09-09 – #DonCarroll #ZeroWarming #FailedScientists #Syria #MKUltra

  1. In Remembrance of Don Carroll. As Man is haunted by the vastness of Eternity, we ask ourselves; will our actions echo across the centuries? Will strangers hear our names long after we’re gone, wonder who we were, how bravely we fought and how fiercely we loved? I will always remember you Don, a good man, kind, caring, witty, and your good nature. You’ll always be a part of Real Liberty Media. We’ll miss your physical presence here. Your spiritual impact remains. Big Love, VinE.

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