Grim Leftovers Podcast Blog – 2020-06-22 – The Final Chapter … Something New This Way Comes

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Grim Leftovers
Podcast Blog

This show offers you a non-mainstream, non-propagandized analysis of not-so-fresh news stories.


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Show 24 of 2020 brings you more interesting and fun stories. Grim Leftovers – Episode 76

On Today’s Grim Leftover’s Show I announced that this would be the final episode of the show.
I will still be doing a show at the same time and day of the week, but it will no longer be the Grim Leftovers.

I am not exactly sure yet what the new show will be called or the exact subject matter of the show. I am kind of leaning towards a free-form show where I pick a single (or maybe a couple) topics and express my views on those. Some of the folks in the chat suggested during this show that I do some interviews, which I am willing to do if anyone wants to be interviewed by me on a topic that I feel is interesting and pertinent.

Anyway, Time will tell the direction and scope of the new show. Tune in next Monday to find out what the new show will be called.

I have no links for you this week as I just spoke off of the top of my head during this show.

Thank You all for tuning in and listening to me.

The world is a crazy place, and almost always because of people’s belief in authority (or authoritah if you prefer ).

Anyway, just listen to podcast and enjoy. See the Blog Post (linked below) for links of the stories covered.

Thanks Everyone!



#Grimnir, #Leftovers, #RealLibertyMedia, #RLMRadio, #Corona, #Authority, #Masks, GeorgeFloyd, #BLM, #Laws, #Belief, #Government, #HumanNature

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I am the founder of Real Liberty Media. I believe in absolute freedom for all people.

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