RLM News – December 30th, 2011

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We have reached the end of 2011. What a wild year in news it was.
Almost every bit of bad news, outside of the Japanese earthquake (and
even that is questionable), is due to one government or another
behaving like the fascists that they are. As we have seen, not only
this year, but in previous years, information is the most powerful tool
we have in combating these
U.S. and NATO are on the march worldwideviolations of
 our lives, liberty and property. The key tool for
communicating that information outside of the controlled Corporate
Lame-Ass Propaganda (CLAP) machine is the Internet. In an effort to
stop that they keep looking for new ways to call free speech criminal
or terrorist. As long as we have this avenue open, we will be able to
expose their lies, deception and tyranny. Do not let up with your
vigilance on monitoring and reporting on things being done by the
global control freaks.

I want to add a few words of thanks here to all who have visited the
Real Liberty Media website over the last year, who have been regulars
in the chat room, who have watched the RLM News show and who have
shared it with others. I look forward to 2012 and all that it may
bring. I hope that you find Real Liberty Media as a valuable source of
alternative news, discussion and information. I wish everyone the best
for the coming year.

Thank You,

The Video
recording of the show
is at the bottom of the post.

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the links from the information shared on the
Real Liberty Media
News on Channel 1 – December 30th, 2011.

Johnny Cash – Further On Up The Road – Video

The Number One Catastrophic Event That Americans Worry About: Economic Collapse
Signs NDAA Martial Law

“Dump GoDaddy Day” appears to have worked.

The 10 biggest vaccine news stories of 2011
U.S. and NATO are on the march worldwide

Spring: Egypt Strikes Back

The Number One Catastrophic Event That Americans
Worry About: Economic Collapse

Montanans Launch
Recall of Senators Who Approved NDAA Military Detention

Simply Green Washing: Are You Using This
Toxic Cleaner?

In Case You Missed It: Bachmann Key Aide’s
Statement on Sen. Kent Sorenson Defection

Cash – Further On Up The Road

Bachmann campaign loses second key staffer
in Ron Paul flap

2011: The year of annoying fees
GOP panicked about Ron Paul
The 10 Smartest Pot Smokers on the Planet…
Cool Enough to Admit It

The 10 Smartest Pot
Smokers on the Planet… Cool Enough to Admit It
The 10 Smartest Pot Smokers on the Planet… Cool Enough to Admit It

Links Not Covered during Live Broadcast

Year-end score: gold up 10%, silver down 9.8%
Chinese Bank ICBC Admitted as A Full Member
of the LBMA

In Case You Missed It: Bachmann Key Aide’s Statement on Sen. Kent Sorenson DefectionRon Paul: Sanctions Against Iran Are an ‘Act
of War’

Kelly Clarkson Endorses Ron Paul, Gets
Twitter Hate Over Racism, Homophobia

Kelly Clarkson Loses Some Fans With Ron Paul
Endorsement, But May Have Gained Even More

Fed Swap Lines Jump 59% In A Week As Japan
Shows Its Hand

As ’11 Ends, 11 Charts Of 11 Disturbing 11
Year Trends

Iran’s Central Bank To File Suit In US Court
To Unfreeze Funds

US Sells Saudi Arabia $30 Billion In Weapons

Clarkson Loses Some Fans With Ron Paul Endorsement, But May Have Gained
Even More
Kelly Clarkson Loses Some Fans With Ron Paul Endorsement, But May Have Gained Even More


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I am the founder of Real Liberty Media. I believe in absolute freedom for all people.

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