RLM News – December 29th, 2011

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Today, the 29th day of
December, 2011, is MoveYourDomainDay. For anyone unfamiliar with what
or why today is that day, The why is simple enough, Domain Registrar
company GoDaddy.com has been in favor of, lobbied for, and helped
crafting a piece of draconian legislation which would bring about the
end of the Internet as we know it and make you a criminal for simply
linking to a site or using a YouTube embed code to put a video on your
site. So, on to the what. If you or others you know have Internet
domains registered with GoDaddy, please move them to a new domain
registration service and urge those you know to do the same. This is
real, vote with your dollars, activism.

While stopping SOPA is vitally important, there are many other things
you need to be aware of and focus on as well. The tyranny of government
has thousands of tentacles and each of them are trying to hold you
captive and suck the life blood from you. Please read the post “40 Hard Questions” and share that
with others. These are important and thought provoking questions which
may make you mad, however there are far more questions you will come
across as you start looking for answers to those questions. The rabbit
hole is a deep dark place and it is time it was lit up for all to see.

The Video
recording of the show
is at the bottom of the post.

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the links from the information shared on the
Real Liberty Media
News on Channel 1 – December 29th, 2011.

One Hundred Million Dollar Penny – Video
MoveYourDomainDay – Exercise Your Right and
Unite Against SOPA!

40 Hard Questions That The American People Should Be Asking Right Now
China Attacks America (JUST IMAGINE)

is losing steam, Internet censorship may not become law

40 Hard Questions That The American People Should
Be Asking Right Now


Suspicious Activity Reports From U.S. Malls Being
Processed By Police State Fusion Centers

Has Drug-Driven Medicine Become A Form of Human

Michigan Sells $3.3 Billion in Variable-Rate
Bonds to Pay Back Federal Unemployment Benefits Loan

EXCLUSIVE: Nancy Pelosi’s Daughter: ‘My Mom
Wants to Leave Congress’

Hundred Million Dollar Penny

Bailing Out European Banks: Bernanke and Fed
Deceived Congress

Occupy protester ‘banned’ from flight home
for Christmas

European stocks gain after Italian auction
Italian 10-Year Yield Surges Back Over 7%
After Terrible Auction

Fed Secretly Bailing Out Europe

Links Not Covered during Live Broadcast

CNN Poll Fundamentally Flawed: Romney Is Not
Leading Paul In Iowa

Meanwhile, in Ron Paul News….
Has Drug-Driven Medicine Become A Form of Human Sacrifice?The Methane Gas Boogieman: NYTs Proves Again
Why The Public Mistrusts ‘MSM’ Global Warming Reporting

Gingrich would be worse than Obama
Morris: Ron Paul is ‘the most liberal,
radical, left-wing person to run for president’

2012: World On the Brink
Chinese Central Banker: Only Safe Asset Now
is Gold

Iowa GOP Borrowing Cheney’s Undisclosed
Location for Caucus Ballot-Counting

Are Psychiatrists Inventing Mental Illnesses
to Feed Americans More Pills?

Sopa Would DESTROY Jobs and the Economy … So
Why are Unions Supporting It?

How to Stop the Resurgence of Agent Orange
in Your Food Supply — Vital Activism

A Tale of Two Cities: Weimar and Washington

Fire by Michael Franti and Spearhead


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I am the founder of Real Liberty Media. I believe in absolute freedom for all people.

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