Real Liberty Media News – November 02, 2012

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These are the links to the stories covered on the Real Liberty Media News – 2012-11-02

Anarchy Along The Jersey Shore And On Long Island
Anarchy Along The Jersey Shore And On Long Island

Ya Gotta Vote! – Larken Rose

There should be a video for this soon, but I wanted to post the song quickly, since the important day is almost upon us! (Gack.) – The Most Dangerous Superstition

Links to other Important Stories I didn’t have time to cover on the show

US defeat in Syria would be end of US hegemony in Middle East
US defeat in Syria would be end of US hegemony in Middle East

The Truthseeker: Bribing Mr. Pre$ident

RT presents its new show ‘The Truthseeker’. Seek truth from facts!

In this edition we investigate corruption at the top. We expose the Big Business memo making this US election “one of the most corrupt EVER”, look at how to rewrite the Constitution, and America’s Enemy #1 could be sponsoring Barack Obama. Seek Truth From Facts with Our Undemocratic Constitution author Prof. Sanford Levinson, former US election Regulator Michael Toner, investigative journalist Anthony Gucciardi, author of The Presidency and Political Trust Prof. Marc Hetherington and America’s most notorious lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

US belongs to Israel!

Kevin Barrett, from Veterans Today, smashes the nail on the head with: 1500%-too-Jewish Supreme Court: US belongs to Israel –

Video and Music from the brilliant Andreas Wannerstedt:

And now the 33% Jewish Supreme Court — that’s a whopping 1,500% over-representation in proportion to the US population — has confirmed that Israel owns the US.

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I am the founder of Real Liberty Media. I believe in absolute freedom for all people.

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