Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – November 24, 2013.

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At the Situationally Aware Action Oriented Intelligence Center
Of Evolutionary Engagement

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Here are the Links from this broadcast:

Countering the Official Trespassers

Discussing Action Options

Neutron Bomb Hits Congress

Cops Trip Crypto Trap

Crimes of the Occupier

Keeping Track and Anticipating the Threat

Hipocracy to Peace

Altered Reality

Fundamental Failures

What Else When a Gobzillion is Available?

  • Establishment Proposes: “Have the Government Give Every Adult a Basic Income”  “With government intervention now becoming the only viable solution being touted for everything from individual health care and the economy to our personal safety and how we educate our children, it would only make sense that officials in Washington also figure out a way to use their power of confiscation and redistribution to equalize the income playing field.” “Enter the idea of a Universal Basic Income, to be distributed by the Federal government on a monthly basis to every adult in America.”

Martial Law is Here

Embrace The Outlaw

  • CRACKDOWN: New York State Considers Licensing Bitcoin Traders  “The Verge reports:

    On Friday, the New York State Department of Financial Services announced it will be holding a public hearing on virtual currency regulation, specifically considering whether a certification called “BitLicense” might help manage the spread of online currencies like Bitcoin. The new license would require consumer protection services, as well as anti-money laundering requirements, designed to make the currency less useful in cases of fraud and criminal activity.[…]the Department of Finance put it, “it is in the long-term interest of the virtual currency industry to put in place appropriate guardrails that protect consumers, root out illegal activity, and safeguard our national security.””

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