Grammy’s Rocket Chair Podcast Blog – 2018-08-29 – #Canola #CDC #Cops #FakeNews #Fasting #FDA #Monsatan

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Grammys Rocket Chair

Grammy’s Rocket Chair – Happy WHACK-A-DOODLE Wednesday!

Oh the Choices We Make……. on a Daily Basis! What to Wear, What to Put into Your Body, Who to Trust…….

Who to Trust…………… Do you Trust Yourself…… Your Friends……. Your Family……. A Person with an “Air of Authority”??? Are You A Follower or a Leader??? Do you Go Along with the Whims of Society or Do You Blaze Your Own Trail???

In a world where Interacting with Others is Almost a Must…… we need to ask ourselves those questions quite often. What I think is interesting is that there really isn’t One Right Answer to Any of Those Questions…… it all depends on the circumstances. Sometimes we Follow & Sometimes we Lead…… Sometimes we Take Advice and Sometimes we Don’t……. and Sometimes…… No Matter How Much We KNOW, We Still aren’t sure if we can Trust the Conclusions we come to…… and yet Every Day, We Decide what to Wear, What to Eat & Who to Trust……. and if we’re Lucky…… Everything works out Just Fine, Sometimes In Spite of Ourselves!

Question Everything! If you aren’t Sure….. Dig a Little Deeper! After All….. We’re ALL Enrolled in the School of Hard Knocks, Student for LIFE! Sorry, but as far as I know, there is No Participation Trophy handed out at the End….. or perhaps The End is Just the Beginning of a New School……

Thanks for giving a Listen & Be Sure to check out ALL the Other Awesome Shows here on the RLM!


Much Love ~ Grammy


#Authority, #BigPharma, #Canola, #CDC, #Cops, #FakeNews, #Fasting, #FDA, #Monsatan, #NaturalMedicine, #Priests, #Professor, #RealInformation, #RLM, #RLO, #Student, #Supplements, #TheDevil, #Trust


This is the podcast for Grammy’s Rocket Chair Program that airs every Wednesday and Friday Night at 7:00 Eastern Time with your host Grammy Mary

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Author: Grammy Mary
I'm a Daughter, Sister, Friend, Lover, Mother & Grammy that seems to think I Might have something Vital to Say...... or at least Politically Incorrect ;)

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