Grammy’s Rocket Chair Podcast Blog – 2018-10-05 – #Anonymous #ClimateChangeHoax #DeadlyJails #Tasers

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Grammys Rocket Chair

Grammy’s Rocket Chair – It’s FREEKER Friday Again……

Only on The Rocket Chair will you hear that………

Dropping Crime Rates won’t Slow Down the Increase in Police Population…… It’s getting Harder & Harder to Create Job Security…….

It’s Even Harder when Judges REFUSE to Send People to Jail……..

and It’s Even Worse when Public Educraption is trying to Drum Up Business for The Justice System by Sicking CPS on Parents for It’s OWN Crimes “Created” by It’s Own Policies and Even CPS says “There’s Nothing to See Here”…… Note: When Pointing the Finger of Shame/Blame, It would be Wise to Remember that there are THREE Fingers Pointing Right Back @ YOU!

Speaking of Educraption……. Are they NOT Teaching “Science” anymore??? How about “Math”??? Last time I checked .95% is Greater Than .03%…….. or did “Common Core” change all that???

Perhaps Some People NEED to be Jolted Back to Reality……. I know…… it could be a Shock to their system…… Possibly Quite Messy……. and yet be a Lesson they won’t soon Forget!

Maybe we need to start Paying Attention to the Simple Wisdom of Children……. Instead of trying to Force-feed Them OUR Ideologies…….. Kids DO Say & Do the Darnedest Things……

Ya know, Change CAN Be Good……. Clearing Out Things that No Longer Serve You CAN Be Beneficial……. and you never know…….. You Just MIGHT Find a Real Windfall in the Process…..

Thanks for Giving a Listen and Be Sure to Check Out ALL the Other Awesome Shows here on the RLM……. Stay Tuned as More NEW Shows are In the Works!

Much Love ~ Grammy

#Anonymous, #ClimateChangeHoax, #Co2, #Crime, #DeadlyJails, #FingerPointers, #GenderFluidity, #Judges, #Lottery, #Police, #RLM, #Science, #Tasers


Links for this show:

This is the podcast for Grammy’s Rocket Chair Program that airs LIVE every Wednesday and Friday Night at 7:00 Eastern Time with your host Grammy Mary

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Author: Grammy Mary
I'm a Daughter, Sister, Friend, Lover, Mother & Grammy that seems to think I Might have something Vital to Say...... or at least Politically Incorrect ;)

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